Wednesday, December 3

"And the Word Was Made Flesh"

Advent King in straw-lined splendor,
swaddled gently at mother’s breast,
God incarnate in a pink suit,
not knowing yet His future test.

In the gentle hush of silence,
soothing sounds of cattle lowing,
angel hosts sing Him their praises,
all creation in glory knowing.

Destiny pressing upon His life,
as crossed shadow falls on His face.
The miracle of the manger
now filled with man’s future grace.

~~Blessings, Lynn~~
20 Responses
  1. How thankful and humbled I am that He would submit to being fully human and yet ...divine. When I stumble and struggle, I'm thankful for His grace.

    Beautiful words!

  2. lynnmosher Says:

    Wow! You are really quick! Thank you for the nice comment. You humble me with your faithful reading. May the Lord bless you!

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Beautifully written, Lynn! An awesome reminder of our King!

    Thanks so much for sharing your heart with the world.

    Love and Blessings,

  4. Anonymous Says:

    Absolutely beautiful, Lynn...and I love the photo/illustration.
    Together they are so moving.
    Your blog is looking lovely as well; am I mistaken or do you have a new look?
    Really like the look of your sidebar. :)
    PS Reminds me of my poem about Mary and the baby Jesus, written last Christmas: Look under the label: 4 Faves About Mary - no rush, just thought of it when I read this.

  5. lynnmosher Says:

    Thanks, Kennisha! I deeply appreciate your kind words. It's hard to imagine divinity living in humanity! Blessings to you...

  6. lynnmosher Says:

    Thank you, Judi, for your encouragement. I change elements around occasionally. I was really thinking I'd like to have a new skin made. I'm getting tired of this one. Now you make me think twice about it! My heart appreciates your comments. Be blessed...

  7. Walk Says:

    I read the title and thought it would be about John 1, which is one of my favorite passages, and was honored to read this wonderful poem. My favorite phrase is, "God incarnate in a pink suit".

  8. Billy Coffey Says:

    "Destiny prerssing upon His life, as crossed shadow falls on His face."

    Lovely, Lynn.

  9. That was very nice poem....I can only imagine what must have been on Mary's mind. She just keep all these things in her heart.

  10. "soothing sounds of cattle lowing"

    That's a really nice line.

  11. Unknown Says:

    Lynn your words are like music to my heart!

  12. lynnmosher Says:

    Terry, you so make my heart so happy by being so faithful! Bless you...

  13. lynnmosher Says:

    Billy, Thank you so much for your faithfulness as well. Blessings...

  14. Lynn, your poem is so beautiful! It really touched my heart. Thank you so much for sharing it. Thank you also for the special award. I have entered it on my Inspirational Poetry Blog with a link back here. You are such a dear and a blessing. Thank you for your ministry to others through what you write and who you are!

  15. Laina Says:

    Absolutely beautiful, Lynn! I loved it and am reminded again of how God humbled Himself and took on the body of flesh to identify with us as humans, so that we could identify with Him as a loving Father who touches the heart of mankind.

    Love and hugs,
    Laina at CW

  16. Lorrie Says:

    Wow - I didn't know you were a poet too! Beautiful, just beautiful :)

  17. lynnmosher Says:

    Mark, Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving me a comment. I deeply appreciate it. Blessings...

  18. lynnmosher Says:

    Lisa, You're so sweet to comment. And you're right. It's hard to imagine how Mary must have felt. Be blessed...

  19. lynnmosher Says:

    Mari, How precious are your words! Thanks you! Be blessed...

  20. skyM Says:

    Very nice verse and such an inspirational site. I am so happy to follow you on twitter.