Wednesday, January 7

Resolution or Solution?

Twitter has taken cyber users by storm. Tweeters (people) use it for numerous reasons. Some use it for making business contacts; others use it for, well, some reasons I’d rather not even think about. But it is great for acquiring all kinds of helpful tidbits on a myriad of topics and for links to interesting sites.

The best reason, and the one for which I use it, is for developing new friendships. I have connected with some awesome and very special people. I praise the Lord for my new Twitter family.

I have connected with one special person, PPureIndulgence, and, in one of her tweets (posts), she posted a link to her blog with the title of her new article…New Year’s Resolution or Solution?

In it, she refers to @CoachBo (on Twitter) who “suggests rather than making New Year’s Resolutions we can choose to create New Year’s Solutions.”

That post made her stop and think. Hers made me stop and think. What is the difference between a resolution and a solution? As she looked up the definitions, so did I.

The dictionaries say that ‘resolution’ is a formal expression of opinion or intention made. It comes from the word ‘resolute,’ which means to be resolved or determined on a course of action, set in purpose or opinion.

‘Solution,’ on the other hand, means the act of solving a problem or question, an answer.

Only a small percentage of New Year’s resolutions see fulfillment. Initially, most of them are launched with great intentions but slowly, or sometimes quickly, run out of steam. Determination slides by the wayside. With little acting upon the problem or circumstance, the intended outcome is not accomplished. This is why I've never really made any New Year's resolutions. I knew I would never keep them.

While solution infers the act of doing something, most people just have the solution compartmentalized in their heads or written down on paper. Wanting to change a situation or something about oneself and coming up with a solution to solve or improve it is still not the answer. Just because I WANT something to change and may be determined for it to be so doesn’t mean it WILL change.

I need more than a resolution, more than a solution. While both executed together are preferable, they must be backed with something more…they need to be backed by actual action. Therefore, the meaning of this scripture takes on a new meaning, “A threefold cord is not quickly broken.” (Eccl. 4:12b NKJV)

I think I’ve come up with my action, which is my theme for this year. I’ve borrowed it from an old hymn…I Surrender All!

Here are some beautiful portions of the song…

* Humbly at His feet I bow, Worldly pleasures all forsaken…

* Make me, Savior, wholly Thine…

* Lord, I give myself to Thee;
Fill me with Thy love and power;
Let Thy blessing fall on me.

All to Jesus I surrender, All to Him I freely give;
I will ever love and trust Him, In His presence daily live.
I surrender all, I surrender all;
All to Thee, my blessed Saviour, I surrender all.

If I surrender all, then I cannot be a hindrance to the Lord’s plans and purpose for my life. If I do not surrender all, I allow my life to be filled with the same old things, carry-overs from the year now passed.

God said through Isaiah, “Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” (Is. 43:19 NKJV)

What exactly do I want in the New Year? Or more importantly, what does the Lord want for me? How do I embark on an action if I have my fingers tightly clenched around all the events of the old year? Do I really want a new thing to happen in my life?

If I desire the best for my life, I must, as the saying goes, let go and let God! I must…surrender all!

Do you desire God to do a new thing in your life this year? Are you dragging all the hurts, sins, regrets, failures, disappointments, and unforgiveness of the old year behind you in a little red wagon or perhaps a U-haul?

Let this year be a year of release. Take action! Surrender it all!

~~Blessings, Lynn~~
12 Responses
  1. Kelli Says:

    Lynn, I am so honored and blessed to be mentioned in your beautiful blog. You know sometimes I ask myself, does anybody read what I write? Not to bring glory to myself, but writing does not come easy to me and at times, I struggle to come up with topics. When this happens, I ask God for inspiration, He always comes through. Sometimes it's in the form of someone else's blog triggering a thought to write about, like mine did with you.

    I also want to thank you for reminding me of the hymn "All to thee." Brought me back to my childhood. Love that hymn!

    Isn't it great how God is using Twitter to connect & keep His family close?

  2. Tanya Says:

    Great post. That's one of my favorite hymns, too. :)

  3. Walk Says:

    Phillipians 3:12-16 fits in with your thoughts also....

  4. Billy Coffey Says:

    Love this, Lynn. Beautiful.

  5. lynnmosher Says:

    Kelli, you are such a gracious lady. Thank you so much for your generous comment. I am honored. Blessings to you...

  6. lynnmosher Says:

    Thanks, sweet Tanya! You're such a devoted follower! Blessings to you...

  7. lynnmosher Says:

    Oh, Terry! NOW you tell me! LOL! I did forget that one, didn't I? Sheesh! Oh, well, I guess it just wasn't supposed to be in there. Be blessed, my dear friend...

  8. lynnmosher Says:

    Thank you, Billy. Another one of my sweet followers. I so appreciate your comments. Be blessed...

  9. Hooray for getting out of God's way and letting Him work in our lives.

  10. What a great way to begin a new year, surrendering it all to God! Thanks for your excellent and inspiring post (and reminder of a wonderful hymn I haven't heard in many years).

  11. Vicki Says:

    Yeah! Let my U-Haul go! LOL...loved the post, Lynn. Surrender is the heart of the matter.


  12. Anonymous Says:

    Thanks for this inspiring reminder that surrender is the key to all the growth and change we desire in our lives.
    Surrender to Him.
    I'm so glad I got to know you on Twitter, Lynn - what a blessing you've been, including writing two guest posts for my blog.
    Thanks so much,