Tuesday, November 24

When Thanksgiving Gets Stuck in Your Throat!

Not everyone will have a happy Thanksgiving…especially this year. Many are out of work, have issues relating to health, children and family, finances, loss of a loved one with this being the first year without them, grief and other loss, divorce, separation, depression, not being able to go home, a family member broke the law, addictions, or any number of other things.

What happens to thanksgiving and praise when peace disintegrates into chaos, when a husband loses his job and finances are cut off, when a child is in a car wreck, when the repo man stands knocking at the door, when buying Christmas presents is a vague recollection, when pain strikes the chest and there is no insurance, when the roof overhead is in jeopardy of being taken away, when the cupboard holds no more than the cup?

I’ve been through all this. So, what happens to my praise and thanksgiving when my day is darkened with a multitude of problems that need to “take a ticket, take a seat,” and the songs of my heart begin to stick in my throat, do I still sing to Him anyway? You bet! When my eyes spill over with the tears of heartache, do I still look to Him and praise Him? Absolutely! When chaos invades my world, do I still claim His peace and praise Him? Yes, indeedy! For “I will praise the Lord no matter what happens. I will constantly speak of His glories and grace.” (Ps. 34:1 TLB)

I have learned to transform my attitude into one of gratitude as Habakkuk had. In the closing words of his book, the prophet asserted his faith in God and promised to praise Him, even if all else failed, “Even though the fig trees have no blossoms, and there are no grapes on the vine; even though the olive crop fails, and the fields lie empty and barren; even though the flocks die in the fields, and the cattle barns are empty, yet I will rejoice in the LORD! I will be joyful in the God of my salvation.” (Hab. 3:17-18 NLT)

Paul’s statement is now mine, “I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of contentment in every situation, whether it be a full stomach or hunger, plenty or want.” (Phil. 4:12 TLB) And this statement has taken up residence in my heart, “No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” (1 Thess. 5:18 TLB)

Are life’s fiery darts aimed at your life, attempting to puncture your heart? What seeps out of your heart?

Whatever is going on in your life, there is always room for thanksgiving! It is the sacrificial gift of your heart. What does it cost you?

A true, sacrificial gift costs you the surrender of your money, for you give sacrificially, as the widow who gave her two mites. It costs you the surrender of your time, for you sacrifice it to put God first. It costs you the surrender of your heart, for you sacrifice your love to those who hate you. It costs you the surrender of your lips, for you sacrifice your praise to God when all seems lost.

Though you may be going through some really rotten things right now, praise the Lord anyway. Praise and thanksgiving may not change your surroundings but it will change your attitude.

Thanksgiving is not a once-a-year, special holiday for being as overstuffed as the turkey. Thanksgiving is an eternal season of the heart, an overflow of the heart’s gratitude for all that God has done and is going to do and for everything one possesses, no matter how much or how little that may be.

Will you have Habakkuk’s attitude this Thanksgiving season? Don’t let Thanksgiving get stuck in your throat!

May the Lord touch you in a special way this Thanksgiving. May it become an eternal season in your heart.

16 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Yes! AMEN! Been there too! I totally agree. Great article. I'll pass it along.

  2. Yes LORD! Praise God.

  3. So true! Thanks for the reminder! Happy Thanksgiving =)

  4. Wendy Love Says:

    That is the best thanksgiving blog message I have read so far. Your realism yet continual clinging to the Lord is inspiring and encouraging. I agree with you totally! Thanks for putting it in your special way!

  5. Lynn, You nailed this! A little book given to me by @chrystiecole gives me great assistance with this. "31 Days of Praise" by Ruth Meyer. Praise and thanksgiving are not based on feeling or circumstance but on our position "in Christ". "In Him we live and move and have our being." Acts 17:28
    You are blessed and a blessing. Thank you!

  6. Ahh, Lynn, your passion for the glory of God is showing, for that is what appears when our praise of Him rises above our circumstances.

    Be blessed,


  7. Great post, Lynn! So very true, yet sometimes so hard to do.

    He is worthy of praise, that never changes. Only we change!

  8. Peter P Says:

    Awesome post.

    Thank you for sharing your heart and your experiences~

  9. Praise God! Our attitudes can keep the sparks in our flame or they can snuff it out & diminish our hopes. I can't change the past,the hurts,or the losses. I can only change one thing-my attitude.

    Happy Thanksgiving Lynn!

  10. Walk Says:

    Ever since I subscribed to your blog, I haven't been by here as often, but I had to drop by to say that this is wonderful. Once again our Lord has given you words that are needed by so many this time of year. Thanks for your walk with the Savior as it blesses us also.

  11. Sylvia Says:

    Such a great blog Lynne.I know you are posting from your heart's experience, and it shows. A real inspiration. Thank you.

  12. Happy Thanksgiving, Lynn!

    I received a blogging award earlier this week. Part of the award is a requirement to pass it on to seven other creative bloggers. You are first on my list for the Kreativ Bloggers Award. (Link to my blog to see how I framed the award. If you'd like to have one just like mine, then email me and I'll attach the file and send it back.) This is one award you have definitely earned!

    Be blessed,


  13. Anonymous Says:

    Thanks, Lynn, for your sweet comment. This post was obviously a timely one for me. I think I almost choked on Thanksgiving this year it was so completely lodged in my throat, but you are completely right. I have a choice to make and I am truly learning what a sacrifice my gratitude can be. Thanks for your wise words.

  14. Lorrie Says:

    Your posts are always a blessing!

  15. Unknown Says:

    Thank Lynn for your love and insight, God Bless!!