Thursday, July 22

Do you know you have a call on your life? Maybe you probably already know that. Or maybe you don’t know that. Or maybe you’ve been sensing that the Lord is calling you to something but you don’t know what it is. Or maybe you are searching for that calling.
Whether you are searching or not, you are called. As Christians, we are all called.
Paul says that God “called you to become His child” (1 Thess. 5:24TLB) and that “You also are among those who are called to belong to Jesus Christ” (Rom. 1:6 NIV), “called into the fellowship of (God’s) Son, Jesus Christ our Lord” (1 Cor. 1:9 NKJV).
So, what does the Word say about being called? We are…
* to “be all the more eager to make (our) calling and election sure.” (2 Peter 1:10 NIV)
* urged “to live a life worthy of the calling (we) have received.” (Eph. 4:1 NIV)
* “called to liberty.” (Gal. 5:13 NKJV)
* to be holy, “as the One Who called (us) is holy.” (1 Peter 1:16 Amp)
* to be “flooded with light so that (we) can see something of the future He has called (us) to share.” (Eph. 1:18 TLB)
* to be “of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous; not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that (we) were called to this, that (we) may inherit a blessing.” (1 Peter 3:8-9 NKJV)
Not the specific kind of calling you were looking for? Well, if we cannot step into the callings listed for us in the Word, how can we seek our life’s specific calling that the Lord desires for us to share with others?
God does have a distinct plan and purpose for our lives, a calling that only each of us can fulfill. So, how do you find out what it is? Think about what fuels the passion of your soul and what sparks the fire in your heart. What do you love to do that you would do even if no one thanked you?
God has called each of us to do certain things, to be His hands of help, comfort, or assistance to others in one capacity or another. If we are called according to His purpose, we share that calling with others. But if we do not do for others what God has called us to do, we hinder the fulfillment of His purpose. How are we then profitable to the Kingdom if we refuse to function in our calling?
Whatever your call may be, “the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.” (Rom. 11:29 NKJV) They are without change of purpose and bring no regrets.
Each calling is a ministry to others. The Lord called me late in my life to write for Him, something I would never have guessed. It is now my passion and I wholeheartedly and humbly obey His call.
In your seeking, you may find a surprise calling on your life, at any time of your life. It may merely be to witness to your next door neighbor or serve the homeless at a local shelter. God’s list is endless.
Rest in the knowledge that the Lord will tell you at just the right time, so that “you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.” (Eph. 1:18b NKJV)
Whatever God calls you to do, “work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” (Col. 3:23 NIV)
May you be blessed as you obey God’s calling on your life and may others know the benefit of your obedience.

" . . . if we cannot step into the callings listed for us in the Word, how can we seek our life’s specific calling that the Lord desires for us to share with others?"
It's more about seeking the One who calls and letting Him work out His calling through us. Sometimes I think we try too hard.
Great post. As always. God always speaks to me through you.
I thought surely God would have called me sooner to write for Him, but turns out I guess He showed it to me pretty young! (20)
I know, it's just taking the plunge and giving yourself full-heartedly to the service He has called you.
I'm trying.
Thanks for a brilliant post!
I agree with Sandra Heska King. There's those who are oblivious and then there are those who try **too** hard. We need to keep our focus on God, not self. It's not about us.
I've been focusing on this area of my life lately. I do feel God's calling on my life. I'm doing my best to follow His lead. As always, I'm human and I lose sight, but God always has a way of bringing my focus back to Him.
Praise God for the reminder to say focused.
Happy Friday!
God is using your post in my life again today, my friend!
Just this past week I've been contemplating God's call on my life to help women become who they were created to be and help them discover the wonder and the grand adventure of serving the Living God. To know Him and make Him known. To teach His Word and seek to ignite a passion in others for Him and His Word. To encourage other women to know that God's plan for their lives is better than anything they can come up with on their own and that He delights them.
I just love seeing women living out the life God has for them. That's the non-stop cry of my heart.
Your sweet post made me re-write what I've written so many times before. Written on post-it notes, margins in my Bible and even scattered through my website.
I loved rewinding my heart and recalling God's call on my life! Thank you for such a wonder post!
Hey, Sandy! You are so right. Some do try to hard to figure out their calling and miss it along the way. Thank you, sweetie, as always for your kind words. Love you!
LOL! Duane, I think He called you soon enough! Giving one's heart to God's leading is the key, isn't it?
Kimberly, I agree also with you and Sandy about some trying too hard. Doing our best to follow His lead is all He wants from us. I know you're doing it right! Love you!
Stephanie, What precious words from a precious heart! I know the Lord is leading you and you are following obediently. May He bless all you are doing to serve Him! Love you!
Hey Lynn, you weren't called late in life to write for Him :) Isn't middle-aged still considered the new young? You certainly have a heart of gold for God's calling. Your poignant words have certainly touched my life.
I always tell my husband I want to be a CNN Hero. It doesn't have anything to do with needing recognition, but to me their stories are so uplifting and empowering. I want to be able to turn my sometimes painful journey around and use it to show others that are struggling as well where to find God when it hurts too much. Love you my friend!
LOL! Thank you, my sweet friend JoAnne. You've made my ol' heart happy! And you are doing a great job of helping others! More blessings to you! Love you!
I'm so thankful you answered God's calling to write, Lynn. You were certainly called to the things written in the Word first, and that's what makes your writing so meaningful to us who read it now. Blessings to you!
I love what you said about doing what He says - even if you're never thanked. Good stuff here Lynn!
Connie, You are such a sweetheart! Thank you so much for your sweet words. You've truly blessed me! Blessings to you!
Penny, Thanks so much, my sweet new friend! I deeply appreciate your comment. Be blessed!