Thursday, March 24

Quiet Time Dance

(I felt led to repost this.)

Whirring lawnmowers. Annoying blowers. This was how my morning started. How could I attain quiet for a conversation with the Lord?

I walked to my family room window and looked out. Bazillions of beautiful blossoms arrayed the trees, and, at the same time, spewed out their allergy-packed pollen as thick as fog, prompting tissues to peek out of all my pockets. A brisk breeze released the grip of the “helicopters” on the maple trees, as the tiny descendants concealed the ground in a blanket of ancestry.

These sights and sounds heralded the profusion of nature’s new, spring season.

As I stood there gazing at God’s hand of creativity, a brief, spring sprinkle fell delicately on our patio, animating the dried seedlings to hop and dance.

Giggling at the delightful sight of dancing seedlings, the thought crossed my mind: sometimes the blustery winds of a new season blow against us, and we succumb by loosening our grip on the Lord as our Vine of nourishment. In letting go, we find ourselves lying on the ground, disconnected from our fellowship with Him.

When this happens, we usually misunderstand the point of what has come our way. Yes, sometimes the enemy blows his hot blast of affliction upon us, but, other times, it is God’s sweet breath of purpose.

Along with His wind of purpose, God occasionally sends showers, whether as gentle dews or great downpours as an answer to our prayers. Either way, we are not always hopping and dancing at the answer He provides.

When we learn to welcome, with open hearts, all the elements of each new season in our lives, whether heat, cold, rain, or drought, as being the gentle guidance of the Lord to rejuvenate us and bring about a new season of growth in our lives, praise and thanksgiving will begin to emerge from deep within us.

Starting down in our toes, praise will begin to bounce around, creep up into our throats, and dart out our mouths, causing our spirits to delight and dance before the Lord.

When you feel like a dried seedling lying on the ground, do you welcome the spring rains of circumstance that fall upon you? Do you understand that they are sometimes the answers to prayers? Do you dance in praise to the Lord for them?

As the saying goes…

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to’s about learning to dance in the rain.

Joel 2:23 says, “Rejoice in the LORD your God! For the rains He sends are an expression of His grace.” (The Life Recovery Bible NLT)

Prayer: Lord, May I recognize those things that come into my life as being elements of guidance and growth so that I may follow Your lead and welcome them with dancing feet in praise and thanksgiving. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

This post is also shared with I hope you'll hop over and visit them!



  1. Lynn, this is so beautiful. I love the way you write. Dancing in the rain and praising in the storm. We are drenched here in CA and I am loving every minute. My God is an awesome God.

  2. Aw, thank you, sweetie! You have made my heart very happy. Hope you don't get drenched! Blessings to you!

  3. as we grow older, we forget just how much fun "playing" in the rain truly is. Gooo...stomp through the puddles of life and enJOY it!!



  4. LOL Hey, sweetie! You are s-o-o-o right! Bless you!

  5. Oh, wow! Beautiful, Lynn! Enjoyed this quiet moment in my day. Now dancing through Children's Hosp. with my son. No more waiting! :)

  6. Where did you get that picture can I borrow it? is it yours?
    LOVE it.

  7. I always love to read your work, so full of inspiration. Beautiful and vivid imagery brings the scene to life.Brilliant use of metaphors sets my imagination dancing. Thank you and keep sharing.

  8. Not sure I'm up to dancing but I might shuffle my feet a bit !

  9. Cindee, thank you so much, sweetie! You make my heart happy! Bless you!

  10. Meg, I deeply appreciate your kind words. You have blessed me. Thank you so much! Blessings to you!

  11. LOL Keith, shuffling your feet is still good! Thanks for visiting! Be blessed!

  12. Dancin' in the rain, dancin' and praisn'. I need to remember to do that more. My daughter once asked me to come play out in the rain. When I hesitated she replied, "Mom! You won't melt!" I have never forgotten that. Beautiful imagery, as usual, Lynn.

  13. Thank you, sweet Ceci! You always make my heart happy! You're a dear! Bless you!

  14. Very well written Lynn, as always!

  15. Thank you so much, A! You bless my heart so much! Bless you!

  16. Love this, Lynn! I'm dancing!!

  17. Thanks so much, sweet Lisa, for visiting and commenting. You bless me! Blessings to you!

  18. Seedlings are so persistent, even in the hard times. I love that. :)

  19. Thanks so much, L.L. I am honored to have you visit. Bless you!

  20. Hi Lynn!
    I just love this post! I do dance in the rain, esp when trouble arises!
    Thank you for your words! The are smiles under our umbrellas!

  21. Jackie, I'm so honored to have you visit. Thank you so much! And I love your smiles under the umbrella!

  22. I really enjoyed this! Thanks for sharing it. I also wanted to say that your blog page is very beautifully constructed! Blessings on you as you dance in the rain!

  23. Linda, thank you so much for your sweet words. I'm honored you stopped by. Blessings to you!
