Thursday, March 31

What Brings You to the Cross?

Standing at a distance, she gazed at the man’s crucified body, dying on a cross, as her heart pounded in agony. Deep sobs heaved her chest. Her knees began to buckle.

What brought her to the cross? A mother’s love. For this was Mary’s son, dying for the world.

John the disciple, who had leaned upon this Divine Man so many times, stood with Mary, in utter dismay.

What brought him to the cross? Genuine love and deep gratitude.

With John and Mary stood Mary Magdalene, trembling. Tears of grief streamed down her cheeks.

What brought her to the cross?
Love, for the forgiveness of the sins in her life, for scripture says, “Her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much.” (Luke 7:47a NKJV)

Kneeling on the ground at the foot of this Man’s cross, the soldiers cast lots for His tunic.

What brought them to the cross?
Their duty. And now their greed.

Two thieves hung on either side of this cross.

What brought them to the cross?
Violation of the law.

Simon the Cyrenian was there.

What brought him to the cross?
Bearing the burden of the cross to the hill of sacrifice.

The multitude gathered, murmuring to each other.

What brought them to the cross?
Anger. Belittlement. Wonderment. Doubting.

The chief priests stood with the scribes, poised in pride and defiance.

What brought them to the cross?
To mock Him, thinking it all utter foolishness.

What did all these have in common? They all needed the very thing for which this Man Jesus was dying on the cross: Salvation and the forgiveness of their sins.

Some accepted it; some rejected it. Paul later wrote to the Corinthians, “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” (1 Cor. 1:18 NIV)

What brings you to the cross?
Love? Gratitude? Grief? Duty? Violation of God’s Law? Bearing a burden? Anger? Belittlement? Wonderment? Doubt? Pride? Defiance? Mocking?

Do you come weeping in pain, sorrow, or loss? Emptied of hopes and dreams? Feeling lost in your circumstances?

Without the cross, there would be no Garden of Easter Gladness…to lift you up, to wipe away your tears, to remove your grave clothes of fear and depression.

Walk that trail from the cross to Easter’s Garden of resurrection. See your Saviour Jesus standing there, waiting for you.

He compassionately whispers your name and says, “Do not wear the grave-clothes stained with the tears of grief. Come into My garden of beauty and I will give you the robe of Easter’s resurrection gladness. Take My Hand and let Me lead you along the path to life everlasting. I will never leave you nor forsake you. I gave My life that you might live eternally with Me.

Jesus always brings us hope of resurrection as on that first Easter morn. He says, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26 NKJV)

Do you believe this?
If so, weep no more. May you experience the salvation and forgiveness of the cross, the power of the resurrection, and embrace the risen life in a new way this Easter season.

What brings you to the cross? May it be...Genuine Love.

~~This is part of for their writing project The Death, Burial, and Resurrection.



  1. These are beautiful and true words, thanks Lynn. And I am giving away a book on my blog today, A Still and Quiet Soul, by Cathy Messecar, if you care to leave a comment.

  2. Excellent post, Lynn. Made me think. Nancy DeMoss (Revive Our Hearts) is running a series on the Incomparable Christ. This has been a big season of heart examination already.

  3. Good question, Lynn!

    What brings me to the cross? It's the only way to the person I most want to know. If it means my death, which it does, so be it. I might go kicking and screaming, but I'll go, because I love Jesus and his Father, and I want to know them.

    "And this is eternal life: to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent—Jesus the Messiah." John 17:3

  4. Hey, Terra! So glad to have you drop by. Thanks for heads-up on the give-away. Blessings to you!

  5. Thanks so much, Dawn. And I'll check out Nancy's series. Bless you!

  6. Amen, Chris! Amen! Love that. Thank you so much for visiting and leaving a comment. You've made my heart happy! Blessings to you!

  7. What brings me to The Cross? His invitation. He has held out His arms to me and I cannot refuse His embrace.

  8. Oh, and by the way, beautiful post, Lynn. Your imagery is perfect, as usual. You have the gift to make The Word personal. Thank you for blessing us.

  9. You have a gift to touch our hearts! Bless you for using it for Him, Lynn.

  10. Oh, Ceci! What a beautiful thought! {{sigh}}

  11. Oh, Sherry! Thank you so much. I so needed to hear that today. Bless you!

  12. This is beautiful, Lynn! It really touches my heart and brings tears to my heart. But they are tears of joy and thanksgiving, not of sorrow and weeping. Thank you and bless you.

  13. What a great piece Lynn! Everyone has a reason for gazing up at a Savior who paid the ultimate cost to redeem us from destruction. It's a question of whether or not we accept that gift. He willingly gave up His life on that cruel cross. Mary (His mother) knew it would not be a pretty ending, as she was told she would be pierced through with sorrow. I can't imagine the utter agony of watching her Son die such a painful and humiliating death. What brought me to the cross? An eventual acknowledgment of the years of pain, lies and sin I lived as I kept Him at arms length - away from my heart. Happy Resurrection Easter my friend.

  14. Thank you so much, Connie. You're so sweet. You bless me. Blessings to you!

  15. Deborah, thank you for your beautiful comment. You always bless me. Bless you!

  16. Amen! What brings us to the cross? Genuine yes, and hopefully, an overwhelming sense of our dependence on what Jesus accomplished there! Good post.

  17. Amen to that, Warren! Thanks so much for dropping by and commenting. I appreciate it! Be blessed!

  18. once again... when i am finished reading a post of yours.. all i can say is wow.. and Please Jesus.... i need help. You always bring me back to Jesus, even when i do not think i have walked away or if it is but a step. Thank you.

  19. Fuller...I am overwhelmed. You have so blessed me with your kind words. Thank you so much. Blessings to you!
