Saturday, May 28

All the Empty Chairs

*This is a repost in honor of...

Memorial Day…

…originally known as Decoration Day as it was a day to honor the Civil War dead by decorating their graves. First observed on May 30, 1868 by proclamation of General John A. Logan of the Grand Army of the Republic, an organization of former sailors and soldiers.

Part of his proclamation says…

“What can aid more to assure this result than by cherishing tenderly the memory of our heroic dead, who made their breasts a barricade between our country and its foe? Their soldier lives were the reveille of freedom to a race in chains, and their death a tattoo of rebellious tyranny in arms. We should guard their graves with sacred vigilance.

“All that the consecrated wealth and taste of the Nation can add to their adornment and security is but a fitting tribute to the memory of her slain defenders. Let no wanton foot tread rudely on such hallowed grounds. Let pleasant paths invite the coming and going of reverent visitors and found mourners. Let no vandalism of avarice or neglect, no ravages of time, testify to the present or to the coming generations that we have forgotten, as a people, the cost of free and undivided republic…

“Let us, then, at the time appointed, gather around their sacred remains and garland the passionless mounds above them with choicest flowers of springtime; let us raise above them the dear old flag they saved from dishonor; let us in this solemn presence renew our pledges to aid and assist those whom they have left among us as sacred charges upon the Nation’s gratitude,--the soldier’s and sailor’s widow and orphan.”

Congress instituted Memorial Day by passing a law on May 11, 1950, intending it to be a national day of prayer for peace. Part of the White House Memorial Day Proclamation says:

Section 169g. Memorial Day as day of prayer for permanent peace...

“The President is authorized and requested to issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe each May 30, Memorial Day, by praying, each in accordance with his religious faith, for permanent peace; designating a period during such day in which all the people of the United States may unite in prayer for a permanent peace; calling upon all the people of the United States to unite in prayer at such time; and calling upon the newspapers, radio stations, and all other mediums of information to join in observing such day and period of prayer.”

Young people today probably do not know that Memorial Day used to be a solemn day, honoring those who paid the ultimate price for our freedom. Businesses closed for the day. Parades were held. Speeches and prayers were offered up at cemeteries. People took flowers and flags to the gravesites of those heroes who died in service for their country. In a few places, these things still take place out of respect and honor.

A hero is one who puts himself or herself in harm’s way to protect someone he/she doesn’t even know, who puts his/her life on the line that you and I can live in safety. And usually with little thanks.

The next time you see one of our nation’s heroes in uniform stand and applaud him or her. Give that one a big hug, a pat on the back, or a handshake. Give that one your heartfelt thanks for protecting your homeland.

Please pray for all the families of our fallen service men and women who leave behind empty chairs in their families. And pray for all those troops now deployed in harm’s way that they will return safely to their homes and sit once again with their loved ones.

I hope you will take time to view this video. I know you will be blessed…

Pray that there will be no more empty chairs.



  1. Thank you Lynn. I served in the military and my brother still does serve our country as an army doctor. My heart is truly moved by the thought of how many gave their all for our freedom. I once told a military nay-sayer that her freedom to issue her caustic remarks concerning the military was bought and paid for by the blood of those she reviled. The shield that surrounds our country against her enemies is the courageous hearts of military men and women who stand watch over our freedom.

  2. Michael, thanks to you and your brother for your service to our country. So appreciated! I love your come-back to the nay-sayer! Thanks so much for commenting! Blessings to you!

  3. Thank you Lynn. Both my father and my father-in-law served in the Army in the Corp of Engineers. My nephew is currently stationed in the Airforce in Bahrain.
    All military men and women are heros who could make the ultimate sacrifice at any moment. Thank you for putting out the call to pray, honor, and remember.

  4. Lisa, thanks so much for stopping by. Please pass on to your relatives how much their service was/is appreciated. Have a blessed weekend!

  5. Great post on the true meaning of Memorial Day! I grew up in a US Navy family - my Dad was a pilot. My husband was regular Navy and then finished up his 22 years in the Naval Reserves, and our son is an officer in the US Marine Corps. Thanks for giving such a wonderful overview of this much loved national holiday.

    Until they all come home...


  6. Yes, I too thank you for the tribute. All of my husband's have been vetran's (I know that sounds bad, but you know the sad circumstances under which I say that), and both of my sons have served. My middle son was with Jessica Lynch's group in Irag. His vehicle stopped for gas and was delayed for thirty minutes or he would have been captured with her. My family salutes our brave young men and women who are at this moment putting themselves in harms way to keep us here at home safe.

  7. Deborah, your family deserves a round of applause and a big thank you! And thanks for the comment! Blessings!

  8. Ceci, a round of applause to your family as well. So awesome they all served. Thanks for the comment. Blessings!

  9. When we went to Washington D.C., I was so disappointed that we couldn't walk through the hallowed areas and read the names of our soldiers. I think an American solider is the most brave, courageous, noble man or woman. We will be remembering our soldiers tomorrow! Thank you for including the history and quotes.

  10. Hi Lynn! I'm changing directions and trying something different. Come find me on the battleground at Embattled Warrior. Have a blessed week!

  11. Oh, Maryleigh, I so agree with you. Such a noble calling. And may the Lord bless your son as he enters the service. Thanks for stopping by.

  12. Hello, Sherry! Will check out your new direction!

  13. Thank you for sharing the tribute, historical information and video, Lynn. It's good to be reminded that we should be spending time in prayer for peace in addition to prayers for families who have lost loved ones and safety for those who serve now. Blessings to you!

  14. Thanks so much, Connie, for your comment! Blessings to you!
