Sunday, June 19

God's Reward



  1. I have been doubly blessed here today. Thank you, Lynn. :D

  2. Well, hello, sweet Anne! I'm honored to have you visit. Thank you so much for your comment. Blessings to you!

  3. Wonderful! My children are truly God's reward. I am so blessed to be their father. :)

  4. I like the snapshot Lynn, thanks! Good start of this week.

  5. Hey, Terra! So precious, isn't it? Thanks for stopping by. Bless you!

  6. Oh, Michael, I pray you had a great Father's Day yesterday. Our children, and grandchildren, certainly are our precious treasures, aren't they? Thank you for commenting! Blessings to you!

  7. Thanks, Marja! I have another one that hubs took with our grand girl last year. But what I forgot to do was have him take one every year! I could kick myself for not thinking of it! Have another baby grand that I will be sure to capture! Blessings!

  8. I received an email for the following comment from Write My Essay but for some reason, it never showed up here...

    Cool article you got here. It would be great to read a bit more concerning this topic. Thanks for posting this information.

    Write My Essay, thank you so much for your comment. The prompt is called Scripture and a Snapshot from the site in the button after my photo. So, there is no writing that goes with it. The photo and scripture are for readers to think on. I appreciate your visit. Blessings to you!

  9. What a precious photo and truth!

    Blessings to you, sweet lady!

  10. Thanks so much, Lisa! This is one of my very favorite photos! Gotta remember to take more! :D

  11. Very true. I love the picture, surely it is grandma with granddaughter.... Precious and priceless.

  12. I like this verse and picture, I feel very blessed

  13. Yup, Ceci! That's me and my grand girl Olivia about 8 years ago. I love it! Priceless for sure! Thanks, sweetie!

  14. Hey, Kim! So glad to see you. I've been meaning to get over to your place. I'm glad for this reminder. Thanks so much for stopping by. Blessings to you!

  15. Alida, thanks so much for visiting! I appreciate it! Bless you!

  16. This is an excellent parenting verse! It serves as a great reminder for me when my kids are having a melt down!

  17. Thank you so much, Katie, for visiting. I appreciate your comment. Blessings to you!
