Tuesday, June 7

Word-filled Wednesday

“Why is everyone hungry for more? ‘More, more,’ they say. ‘More, more.’ I have God’s more-than-enough, more joy in one ordinary day than they get in all their shopping sprees.” (Ps. 4:6-7a Msg)

Check out Word-filled Wednesdays at Internet Café



  1. Great post, Lynn. That image just drives His word home. I'm so glad you posted this!

  2. yep...I totally agree. He gives me more than enough ☺

  3. Amen. We are the most blessed nation on earth, but do we really say "thanks" adequately? I don't. Good post.

  4. Amen and so painfully true.

    Hope you have a blessed day!

  5. Lynn!! You made it!! YAY!!!
    OH and a convicting one at that...so true and the message we need to sit in awhile...
    this is great Lynn...thanks for being persistent!!


  6. Love this thought, Lynn! Why do we? He more than satisfies.
    Happy WFW!

  7. Thanks so much, Julie! So happy to have you visit! Blessings to you!

  8. Truly, Sarah...more than enough! Bless you for visiting!

  9. Thanks, Warren! As I've said before, we are the most blessed nation and, yet, we complain when our new shoes pinch our feet! Bless you!

  10. Hey, Rosie! Thanks so much for dropping by and commenting! Makes my heart happy! Bless you!

  11. Ooo...it is painfully true, isn't it, Susan? Thanks so much for visiting! Blessings to you!

  12. LOL Yay! I did it, Lori! I need to know how to do things and persist until I get it right! Thanks so much for your sweet help and for stopping by. Bless you!

  13. Stefanie, so glad to see you and to have a new connection! Thank you so much for stopping by! Blessings to you!

  14. Blessing Lynn,

    This is a great post and Word,

    "I have God’s more-than-enough, more joy in one ordinary day than they get in all their shopping sprees."

    He's more than ENOUGH! I have not had a shopping spree with bags for ages... I'd be lucky with one bag!!

    Hungry for MORE of Him! Thanks for pointing us to Him!


  15. Hey, Peggy! Isn't that a great wording of that verse? Yeah, one bag would be nice once in a while. LOL Thanks so much for visiting. I appreciate it! Blessings!

  16. So true!! I love your photo with that verse...such a vivid illustration of His word.

  17. Yes. God's pockets are deep and His gifts last much longer than anything we can buy at the retailers. Great post, as usual, Lynn.

  18. Love this!! Too many of us are always wanting more of this world, when we need to be wanting more from Him!!

    Great post and a wonderful reminder!!

  19. Amen! Love your cute WFW, and thanks for your sweet visit.

  20. Thank you so much, Alida! I appreciate your dropping by. Makes my heart happy! Bless you!

  21. Thank you, sweet Ceci! You're such a wonderful follower! Bless you!

  22. Very well said, Nicole! Thank you so much! I appreciate your visit. Blessings to you!

  23. Thank you, Cathy! I appreciate your visit as well! Bless you!

  24. Hi Lynn, So fun to see you here too! :) These encouraging Bible verses are perfect timing for my family as we were just talking about the frustration of careful investments, including houses, and how their value has plummeted in the last few years. But the word of God and His wonderful promises - those NEVER plummet. So uplifting for Word-Filled Wednesday. Have a blessed week.

  25. I love the picture - there is nothing more relaxing than wandering, shopping, smelling sweet smells - and getting away from it all. Which is totally deceptive because that cannot satisfy the way spending time with my Father can make me feel!

  26. Hey, Kaye! So nice to have you drop by. Thank you so much. Makes my heart happy! Blessings to you!

  27. Hey, BCM! You *said a mouthful!* So true! I'm so happy to have you visit. Bless you!
