Monday, July 4

What is 3-45-54-65?


What do those numbers mean? No, they’re not part of the lottery! Let’s start backwards...

*...65: Does your family share birthdays?

In our family, we have more than one member sharing the same birth date. Before my mother died, she, her aunt, my sister, and our daughter all shared the same January 23rd birthday. Our son shares his September 24th birthday with one of my nieces. My brother-in-law shares his September 25th birthday with his daughter, another niece.

I don’t get to share my birthday with anyone in the family. So today, it is my birthday!

*...54: This is a very special and eternal number: it is my spiritual birthday, which occurred when I was eleven years old in July of 1957 at Billy Graham’s crusade in New York City.

The other day when I opened one of the devotionals I read, Days of Heaven on Earth by A. B. Simpson, I turned right to July 5th, not once but three days in a row! I guess I needed the reassurance. The Lord blessed me with the opening scripture...

“A garden enclosed...” (Song of Solomon 4:12 NKJV) The New Living Translation puts it this way, “You are my private garden, my treasure, my bride, a secluded spring, a hidden fountain.”

What a special blessing as a birthday present from the Lord! The Husbandman ploughed the soil of my heart, broke up the dirt clumps of self, removed the stones of obstruction, ripped out the roots of cares and woes, and planted His seed of eternity in my soul!

In return for all He’s done, may my life produce the delectable fruit and the fragrant blossoms acceptable to the Gardener of my life.

One day, I received an ad in the mail, one of those perfume samples that you pull the flap back to get a whiff of the scent. This one tickled my funny bone, for on the flap was written, “Open for Eternity”!

It brought to mind several images, but then I thought, how appropriate, to have the sweet scent of Eternity upon me, for “As far as God is concerned there is a sweet, wholesome fragrance in our lives. It is the fragrance of Christ within us.” (2 Cor. 2:15 TLB)

May I be that sweet aroma in His nostrils!

*...45: This is another special one, though not today: July 15th is my, er, our 45th wedding anniversary.

After the ups and downs throughout the years, they are long forgotten, for the road is now smoothed out before us and each day grows sweeter and more precious.

Thank you, dear, for all these years!

*...3: And last: this blog is three years old. I want to thank each and every follower, subscriber, and reader for their continued encouragement and support. Each of you is prayed for and appreciated. Your comments make my day!

I thought it fitting that I celebrate these special occasions with a giveaway...

***$50 gift card***

Let me know you would like to be entered by leaving a comment on any blog post or the comment box in the left sidebar, and also on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. Just be sure you mention the giveaway. It closes July 31st.

My prayer for you: “May the Lord continually bless you with heaven’s blessings as well as with human joys.” (Ps. 128:5 TLB)



  1. Very fun and intriguing post, Lynn. I'm so grateful God created time and a way to track it so we could recognize and celebrate special days and years. Hope you have a wonderful birthday!

  2. Thanks so much, Carol, for the kind comment and the birthday wishes! Bless you!

  3. Hope you have a great birthday!Please enter me in the giveaway.Thanks. augustlily06(at)aim(dot)com .

  4. Congratulations on your anniversary, and Happy Belated Birthday! And, on all the other wonderful anniversary/celebrations!You have been a blessing to everyone around you, bearing the sweet fragrance of His love and compassion here on this earth. I feel privileged to be counted among your friends.

  5. 1- Happy Birthday sweetie
    2-Congratulations on your blog- a-versary
    3-Count me in!
    4 Hugs

  6. oops 5 - Happy early anniversary wishes too

  7. Happy birthday, sweet Lynn! Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary and your 3 year old blog, which has brought so many blessings to many people. Hugs and blessings to you. Enjoy your special day!

  8. good one Lynn, I enjoyed reading this and learning more about you. Be Great!

  9. Happy Birthday to a special lady. I'd like to be entered in the drawing.

  10. You mean we get presents on *your* birthday? Only you would think of that. ;)

  11. Fun stuff, Lynn! Happy birthday... whatever number it is!

  12. I am looking for the cake :D

  13. Ceci, thanks for all the good wishes! Such sweet words. You are so generous. I am the one that is honored that you would be my friend. Thank you and bless you!

  14. Thanks so much, Katie-kins! You're a peach! Bless you!

  15. Hey, dear Connie! You're so sweet. Thank you for all the wishes. Love you!

  16. Thank you so much, Chris! I appreciate your visiting! Bless you!

  17. Gotcha entered, Tamera! Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate it!

  18. LOL Yup! That's me...thinking in reverse! I'm so happy to have you visit! Thanks, sweetie!

  19. LOL Thanks, Pegg! I think I'm going to quit counting after this year! Thanks for the visit!

  20. LOL Terrie, I'm looking for the cake also! Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate it!

  21. What a unique idea- I share my birthday with my father-in-law and sister-in-law, and I have two sets of twin nephews.

    Oh and my numbers are 2-19-36-43 :-)

    I hope you had a wonderful birthday!

  22. LOL Thanks, Paula! You have a lot of special days to share as well! And thanks for sharing your numbers! So glad you stopped by. Bless you!

  23. Wow Lynn, do you have reasons to celebrate, or what! Awesome, all those numbers, so significant, all stages in life, I love it.
    Happy everything to you!!
    You can give my gift card to someone else because I am out of the country, haha!
    Blessings to you my dear, and thank you for being such a faithful blogger.

  24. I always enjoy reading you posts. I would love to enter the giveaway. Thanks and blessings to you!

  25. LOL Yup! So happy to celebrate them all! Thanks so much, dear Marja! Enjoy your stay!

  26. Debra, I so appreciate that! Thank you, sweetie!

  27. Has it been 3 years since I started reading your blog? Great work. Please enter me in your contest. --Toni

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. Wow! I didn't know you have been reading all this time, Toni! God bless you! Occasionally, I send a book to a long-time reader/subscriber. Send me your email address and we'll discuss a book! Bless you!

  30. Loved the photos, facts, and celebrations! Bunches of blessings for you, sweet lady!

  31. Happy birthday Lynn, and yes, please enter me for the prize. I enjoyed finding out the mystery of the numbers.
