Saturday, December 31

New Year's Soup

Last year, I read a post and the last sentence made me think, “And the empty pot awaits, ready for a fresh batch.”

It reminded me of the story of Stone Soup. If you’ve never heard of it, here’s a synopsis of this version of the story:

Many years ago in Eastern Europe, people hoarded their food in a time of famine. One day, a soldier wandered into a village and asked to stay for the night. The people told him to move on as there was no food.

“Oh, I have everything I need,” he said. “In fact, I was thinking of making some stone soup to share with all of you.”

Pulling out all he needed from his wagon, he filled his cauldron with water and built a fire for it. Then, he took a velvet bag and drew out an ordinary stone and dropped it into the water.

The rumor of food spread and the villagers came to the square to find out.

As the soldier sniffed the broth, he said, “Ahh, I do like a tasty stone soup. Of course, stone soup with cabbage – now that’s hard to beat.”

Soon a villager brought him a cabbage he’d been hiding and added it to the pot. Then, the soldier said, “You know, I once had stone soup with cabbage and a bit of salt beef as well, and it was fit for a king.”

The village butcher brought out some salt beef and added it. Over and over, the soldier raved how good the soup is with added potatoes, onions, carrots, mushrooms, and so on.

Villager after villager brought out the necessary ingredients until there was indeed a delicious meal for all.

With all the added ingredients, the soup turned out to be delicious.

If your year was anything like mine, the cauldron of 2011 contained a variety of ingredients, some positive, some negative, and flavored with a dash of hope and a soupcon of joy or maybe even en grande quantité.

Now, the kettle for 2012 is empty and sits waiting to be filled, ready for all the ingredients of a new year.

What ingredients will fill your New Year? What will fill your heart?

I pray the Lord will fill your New Year with hope, peace, comfort, joy, and an abundance of blessings.

“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Rom. 15:13 NKJV)



  1. Lynn:

    I read that story of the stone soup many years ago. Thanks for the reminder.

    Wishing you a blessed and happy New year.

  2. I had only remembered the stone in the water - I'd forgotten the good part of the story. Wishing you a new year with your pot filled with God's blessings - a fully flavored pot that begs for a second and third helping!

  3. I love the "Stone Soup" story Lynn! What a great analogy of the Body of Christ and the gifts we each carry to the "pot". I'll bring the herbs of encouragement - to flavor the soup! God bless and Happy New Year!

  4. Of course the analogy of the stone soup reminds us that even though alone we may not have much, but when we put our efforts, or our little, there will be enough for everyone.

    I have always loved that story. And it is a great New Year's reminder to share what we do have: food, clothing, faith, hope,and encouragement. The last three cost us nothing but some effort and time.

    Blessings to you Lynn for this new year.

  5. I'm so sorry, ladies! I was busy and didn't get to respond to you. I appreciate you: Joan, Maryleigh, Deborah, and Ceci. You've made my heart happy with your comments. Thank you so much! New Year's blessings to you all!

  6. I read that story too in my college years. I love it. I will fill my year with joy, thankfulness and greetings to new people. I want to make every things up again. Thank you for sharing.

  7. I truly enjoyed this story, It can be applied to so many different aspects of our life, naturally and Spiritually. My thought was that the soldier provided the catalyst that brought a unified effort from all the people to make something fulfilling for them all. And a lesson that what one cannot accomplish, many acting as one can accomplish, and more.

  8. Ika, somehow the email to your comment got lost and I didn't see it. Thank you so much for visiting and commenting. You've made my heart very happy. Bless you!

  9. Tom, thanks for the great comment. I so appreciate your stopping by. Blessings to you!
