Monday, March 19


“I thank God, whom I serve with a pure conscience, as my forefathers did...when I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in [me], which dwelt first in [my] grandmother...and [my] mother.” (2 Tim 1:3,5 NKJV)

“Yes, I have a goodly heritage.” (Ps. 16:6 KJV)


Participating with...

Peter Pollock One Word at a Time Blog Carnival

On In Around button


  1. I'm praising God along with you for being raised in a Christian home! Thank you, Jesus!

  2. Thank you for sharing your memory. Such beautiful and special pictures!

  3. What an incredible blessing! I can so relate. I don't know who I would be without the Godly influence and heritage of my Grandma and Grandpa -- two of God's greatest gifts in my life!

    {stopping by from SDG!}

  4. What a blessing!

    I just posted pics of my grandparents and parents too. :)

    My grandparents gave me some of my best memories, nothing fancy, just being themselves, but I loved being with them!

  5. My Grandparents on my mothers side were faithful christians who also did Jail ministry each Sunday afternoon in a near by town. My other grandmother was faithful to her church, but Grandpa did not attend often. He chewed tobacco and carried a coffee can all the time to spit in. Godly parents can influence their children toward accepting Jesus as their savior. I love those verses you selected.

  6. Thank you for sharing! God bless you!

  7. Praise God for the precious memories in our lives.

  8. Good and blessed to have such a godly heritage!

  9. I've been so busy writing...forgive me for being behind again with my responses. Carol, Pam, Erika, Kristin, Joyful, Cris, Denise, and Marja...thank you all so much for taking time to comment. You all make my heart very happy. I deeply appreciate each one of you. Blessings to you!

  10. Lynn! What beautiful women in your family. It gets me all emotional...thinking of how the past generations have made me who I am. Lovely.

  11. It was obviously a blessing for you to be raised with yours. And that truly IS a blessing... I didn't have honest and godly mom or grandmas until after I came to the Lord and He gave me spiritual Moms that opened my heart and blessed me abundantly. I try to do that now, too, for kids and g-kids. He blessed me then and leads me now. Thanks much!
