Friday, May 11

Discover the Riches of His Grace book tour

Today, I’m happy to bring you another e-friend, Elizabeth Marks, who is the author of Discover the Riches of His Grace: Learning to Do relationships God’s Way.

She has written a devotional inductive Bible study based on the book of Ephesians. It includes 18 lessons, 6 devotions, and 6 chances to connect online to share what you learned through the study with others. 

As the author of ThinkOnIt Devotions, Elizabeth has a heart for encouraging and equipping people with God’s words. Need some hope? Visit her site ThinkOnIt today for Bible devotions, Bible studies, small group leader tips, and more.

What is the audience for your book? 

The primary audience is women who long to draw closer to God and improve their relationships. It is also for individuals and small group leaders who want to dig deeper into the Bible and learn new study methods. 

What area some of the things readers will learn? 

*Discover a fresh perspective on all God has done for you.
*Discover how inductive Bible study method helps you unlock the Bible and make it understandable.
*Learn how to create own observation worksheet for better interaction with God’s words.
*Build your confidence in correctly interpreting God’s words through use of Bible concordance and word studies.
*Identify five healthy life patterns leading to satisfaction in Christ Jesus.
*Understand the importance of sacrifice and submission in relationships.
*Record your discoveries in our Truth Tracker to help you remember what you learned.
*Connect with the author and others online to share what you discovered through the study.

In what formats is it available? 

Hard Copy: Amazon
PDF and/or email subscription: ThinkOnIt Bible Ministries

How did you get started writing? 

In 2006, God started speaking to me through my devotional time with Him. As I meditated on Scripture, a certain theme, point, or truth would stand out and resonate with me. I wouldn’t know fully what it meant unless I journaled it out in handwriting. 

These journal entries turned into devotions I shared with my women’s small group to encourage them. Sometimes these devotions make it back to me and actually end up encouraging me! Isn’t funny how God uses things to get our attention?

Why did you write this Bible study?

I took a class on bringing the Bible to life and was excited about the inductive study method. It unlocked Scripture for me. I wanted to share it with it with my workplace small group. The women from my small group enjoyed the study tools I taught and encouraged me to share it with others.

Why did you pick Ephesians as the first book to try the inductive study method?

Ephesians is a wonderful book filled with the awesomeness of God and His blessings towards us. It is packed with valuable relational lessons that will not only draw us closer to God but with the added benefit of improving our earthly relationships too.

Is this study part of a series of studies?

Actually, yes it is. This is the first of a new line of Bible studies branded Your Discovery Series. There are several studies (James, Colossians, Haggai, Joshua, and Obediah) in the works to follow this one. 

How would someone connect/follow you?

Sign up for our newsletter at ThinkOnIt Bible Ministries
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Are you available for any face to face encounters?

Yes. I am available to visit your small group if you live in Southern California. I am also available to speak at local churches in Southern California. I’m always happy to share how God rocked my world. Feel free to contact me at

1 comment:

  1. Thanks ladies, great interview, sounds like a great book for groups studies!
