Sunday, May 20

Stairway to Heaven

Some years ago, the Lord showed me a vision of a beautiful, grassy mountain with plateaus at different levels up the mountain. I saw people filling each level, as many stood around talking to each other.

Some people climbed the stairs that ascended up the mountain. The steps at the bottom were steeper and harder to climb; the closer to the top, the smaller and easier to climb they became. The stairs were concrete-hard with a golden handrail up the middle.

As some climbed up the stairs, they yet went backwards, not even realizing it. All kinds of people filled the top of mountain: short, tall, young, old, children. Adults held babies as they stood looking at the beautiful glow above the top of mountain.

Then, the Lord said...

“When you step out to enter My pathway to heaven, the path of the Christian walk, it is not an easy walk. The early steps seem difficult to climb, but the higher you rise, the easier it becomes. The stairs are hard as concrete, not at all pretty. The way is difficult but do-able, because I am there.

“Sometimes you will back down the stairs, not turning around to see where you are going but backing down sometimes in disbelief, doubt, worry, sometimes in disobedience to the call of the next step and you may not realize it. Be sure you keep your focus on Me. You may at times even slip and fall, but I am there.

“The beautiful mountain is calm and serene, yet raging all about it are the storms of life. If you shift your eyes from the way before you to the roar around you, you will fall. The winds may even blow you off course and try to loosen your grip.

“Keep your eyes fixed at the top of the steps, from which comes the source of the golden glow, the throne room of the great I AM.

“The higher you climb, the purer the air becomes as you rise away from the stench of earth. Those standing at the top have reached the gate to heaven. They are standing in awe of the glorious sight they have been afforded.

“The babies being held by others have died or been aborted. They are welcomed into loving arms by those who have never known the love of a child, and by those who have had children die. The babies await the parents who will join them.

“Those standing on the different plateaus are waiting further instructions. Some need a rest. Some are truly weary and must pause for refreshment. Others are just listening in patient stillness for their next orders.

“Strive always for courage and strength to reach the next plateau. Always wait for My instructions before taking another step.

“Hold onto My handrail that stretches out like a golden thread beside your path. Keep a firm grip. It is My constant hand steadying you and helping you up when your trip or miss a step.

“Keep your eyes focused on the view at the top. Breathe slowly and deeply. Keep your feet on the path. All is in My safe-keeping on My mountain.”

The promise of heaven’s eternal resting place is for all, for all of us “whose names are written in heaven,” who have been “made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ,” “that those who are called may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance,” “an inheritance that is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay.” (Heb. 12:23 NLT, Rom. 3:22 NLT, Heb. 9:15 NKJV) (1 Peter 1:4 NLT)

But are you sure of that eternal resting place? You have been “invited [as you are] to belong to Him.” (Rom. 1:6 Amp) Have you said “No thanks” to Christ’s gracious invitation? Have you said “Yes” but are unsure of your eternal home?
Peter pleads with you, “So, friends, confirm God’s invitation to you, His choice of you. Don’t put it off; do it now. Do this, and you’ll have your life on a firm footing, the streets paved and the way wide open into the eternal kingdom of our Master and Savior, Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter. 1:10-11 Msg)

May you cling to that hope of a promise, as Abraham did, who “was completely sure that God was well able to do anything He promised.” (Rom. 4:21 TLB)

Today, I am hooking up with Duane Scott’s new blog hop...

...and with...



  1. What an amazing blessing when God gives you such a clear and meaningful vision and then explains it! Thank you so much for sharing this with the world.

  2. Wow! You are fast! LOL Thanks so much, Carol! And yes, it was a blessing! Bless you!

  3. "“Hold onto My handrail that stretches out like a golden thread beside your path."

    Oh, this.

    A golden thread of communication, of love, of direction to our dear Father.

    What an incredible vision! And the part about the children, being held by those who also lost children. That means a lot to me as you'll discover after reading my post today. Jesus loving the little children just warms my heart.

    God bless you and thank you for joining Unwrapping His Promises!

  4. Love how you weaved several promises into that one promise of Heaven. Especially the one about babies. :))

  5. What a beautiful and encouraging vision!

  6. What an amazing vision God gave you. So clear and detailed. I was really drawn into it. I bet this has stayed with you and continued to teach you many things in your journey. Thank you so much for sharing this.

  7. Amazing! Thank you for sharing!

  8. Z...thank you so much, sweetie! So happy to you visit! Bless you!

  9. Duane, you are so generous. I'm humbled. Thank you, sweet friend! Blessings to you!

  10. Brenda, thank you so much for taking time to read and comment. I'm honored. Bless you!

  11. Thank you, Tereasa, you make my heart happy! Bless you!

  12. Thank you, dear Jean. Your words are special to me. I so appreciate it. Bless you!

  13. Dave, thank you so much. I'm so happy to have you visit. I'm honored. Bless you!

  14. Thank you for sharing this beautiful vision the Lord gave you, it will encourage a great many in their walk, including myself. Let us aim higher today sister! In Him, Elizabeth.

  15. Thank you so much, Elizabeth! So sweet of you. I'm humbled. Blessings to you!

  16. I love your vision, Lynn! One I really needed today. Isn't it funny, I couldn't get time to read it until today, and then it is just what I needed to be reminded of. God does work in amazing ways.

  17. Ceci, don't you love it when God arranges those *coincidences* like that? Thanks so much for letting me know it meant something to you. Blessings to you!
