Sunday, June 3

In the Presence of the King

One day, with head hung down, the lowly subject known as Sinner found herself standing in the Presence of the King. He guided her to a rugged cross, stained with blood that had trickled down its post. He escorted her to an empty tomb, where burial cloths lay as evidence of One having been there. As He walked with her into the Garden of Easter gladness, she finally understood and accepted the sacrifice for forgiveness of sins.

Sinner became known as Saint as she daily pursued the King’s Presence. Sitting at His feet, she received all the King’s blessings of the Holy Spirit for her life.

Then, one day, she crawled into the Throne Room as Discouraged, seeking answers to her many trials. The King lifted her up and sent her home with His Servant Encouragement to attend her in all her ways.

Entering one day as Faithless, she timidly approached the King. He immediately forgave her and imparted His Servant Grace to fill her heart.

One day, entering as Defeat, she bowed her head in shame before the Throne, asking for the King’s assistance, wondering why her life was a failure. He entrusted His Servant Victory to be her advocate in all the matters of her life.

Entering one day as Pride, she strutted in before the King. Shaking His head at her, He assigned His Servant Humility to kneel by her side always.

One day, entering as Grief, she fell sobbing into the arms of the King. He gently placed His hand of Love upon her head and dispatched His Servants Comfort and Peace to wipe away her tears and accompany her to still waters.

Entering one day as Selfish, she shoved her way into the King’s Throne Room, and the Selfless Lamb appeared and stood silently beside her, wrapping His arm around her shoulders and leading her to perform sacrificial acts for others.

One day, she returned as Prodigal, collapsing in exhaustion at the feet of the King. He set her back upright, wrapped a royal robe around her shoulders, placed a golden crown upon her head and a divine ring upon her finger, and sent His Servants Goodness and Mercy to pursue her in all her ways.

In all her subsequent days, she entered the Kings’ Presence on bended knees, with head bowed in reverence, and hands lifted in gratitude. Praise and Worship became her closest Companions…forevermore.

~Thoughts to ponder: What pursues you? What do you pursue?

***Okay. I cheated. This is a part of the blog chain on the topic of pursuit. My brain isn’t working and I did not have a post so this is a rerun.
Also hooking up with...

On In Around button

Beauty in His Grip Button



  1. It's new to me so I'm glad you reposted it. It makes me am I entering the throne room today?

  2. been there done all of them and being a bloke I've done the feet apart arms folded arrogant too.....still His Love covers me from His wrath....His Love overcomes all of that and I'm forgiven.

  3. oooops
    good post
    biiiiiig hug sister Lynn

  4. Great questions at the end. Questions every disciple of Christ should ask themselves on occasion.

  5. A wonderful post and new to me. we'll have to start calling you Lynn Mosher Bunyan. :o)
    Peace and Blessings

  6. Amazing article. Thanks for sharing! It is certainly something to think about. We deserve nothing, but God gives us everything we need!

  7. Great contrasting responses and worthy to be replayed!

  8. Thanks Lynn - great reminders of how we should approach God, and how He provides for us.

  9. Thank you for the rerun, Lynn. It was wonderful. You do these narrative stories SOOO well!

  10. That was a wonderful read. Thank you for sharing!

  11. I think I've said it before: I love your re-runs Lynn :)

  12. Lisa, thank you so much for visiting and commenting. I appreciate it. Blessings to you!

  13. Yeah, Jacky, I think we all do that at one time or another. As you said, His love overcomes all of that and we're forgiven. Thanks so much. Bless you!

  14. Tc, thanks so much for your comment. I appreciate it. Bless you!

  15. Edward, what a great compliment! You have truly blessed me. Thank you so much! Blessings to you!

  16. Thank you so much, Joshua, for your kind words. You make my heart happy. Bless you!

  17. Christine, thank so much for commenting. I appreciate it. Blessings to you!

  18. Bill, so nice to have you stop by. God does provide all we need. We sometimes forget that. Thanks so much for your comment. Bless you!

  19. Oh, my! Carol, you always bless me with your generous words. Thank you, sweetie! Bless you!

  20. Suzette, you bless me. I deeply appreciate you stopping by and commenting. Bless you!

  21. Marja, my sweet friend, you always make my heart happy with your presence and your kind words. Bless you!

  22. I enjoyed this and wanted more, have you thought of expanding this?

  23. Wow! Thanks so much, Mike! I've never thought of expanding it. I'll have to consider it. I deeply appreciate your kind words. Bless you!

  24. I'm glad you re-posted this Lynn because it is a beautiful post. I'm sure glad we have a God like that.

  25. Adam, I agree. I'm so glad we have a God like that also. Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. Blessings to you!

  26. WOW. Re-run or not, that was magnificent. Saw myself in all of them. Thank you. :)

  27. Beautiful tale, masterfully told, Lynn. I'm sorry it took me so long to get here, but I'm blessed by your post.

  28. Oh, Sandi, I am so sorry. I missed your comment. I deeply appreciate you taking time to read my post and leave a comment. You've blessed me. Blessings to you!

  29. Thanks so much, Traci, for your generous and kind words. I'm grateful that you stopped by. Bless you!

  30. Once again, I'm late, but I'm glad you posted this. I hadn't seen it before. :-)Very inspiring.

  31. So glad you were able to visit, Deborah! I appreciate your taking time to read my post and comment. Blessings to you!
