Friday, July 6

Heart's Need

Today, it was necessary to reach in the archive grab-bag and pull out an oldie. Hope that's okay...
One day in my quiet time, I read the following in one of my devotionals…

“Never a heart’s need that I could not comfort and soothe.”

I said, “Lord, if this is true, then why do I sometimes feel as though You are not there?”

He answered, “My dear one, I have been here all along, through it all. I’ve been here by your side, though unnoticed. I've been here, holding your hand, though not felt.

“I’ve been here, hovering over you like a mama bird over her chicks, even though the rush of My wings went undetected. I’ve been here in the blackest hours, shining My light, though its radiance went unseen because hurt and pain had shut your eyes.

“I’ve been here, through the floods of adversity, rowing your boat for you through all those uncharted waters.

“I am the Navigator. I know where we are going. It is your job to sit still before Me and trust that I know best. Don’t rock the boat by telling Me where you want to go. Just let Me take you to the place best suited for you.

“Ride quietly and trust Me and we will reach our destination much more quickly. Don’t be a hindrance to the One who knows the way. I will not steer you wrong nor will I allow the waves to overtake you. Just trust Me, because I love you.”

“Then they cry to the Lord in their trouble, and He brings them out of their distresses. He hushes the storm to a calm and to a gentle whisper, so that the waves of the sea are still. Then the men are glad because of the calm, and He brings them to their desired haven.” (Psalm 107:28-30 AMP)

~In your difficult circumstances, may the Lord bring you out and steer you to that safe haven.



  1. "My wings went undetected", so often true. Thanks for these wise words, Lynn.

  2. This repost (but new to me) is a great blessing. Thank you, Lynn.

  3. Sometimes too true, Terra. Thanks for the kind words, sweetie! Bless you!

  4. Pat, I'm so happy to see you. Thank you so much for stopping my and commenting. I appreciate it. Bless you!

  5. There isn't much to say, except, Amen. Beautiful, Lynn, and so needed by so many, including me.

  6. Thank you so much, Ceci! I deeply appreciate it. Bless you!

  7. wow I could hear Him say I am the navigator. What a great line and reminder. How true. I too have been hearing just sit and listen and trust. We are called to be faithful, not know all the answers. Good words here today!

  8. Oh, my! Thank you so much, Jean! Such a great comment. You make my heart feel so blessed! Bless you!

  9. I do love the image of riding in a boat with Jesus. It might be a sail boat some days; a dingy; a cruise ship. Some days it feels like a battleship; others like an inflatable life raft that's losing air. But through it all, He keeps me afloat.

    So happy you pulled this out of the archives for us, Lynn!

  10. Oh, Carol! What a great comment! I wish I'd said that! LOL Thanks so much!

  11. I am learning all the ways He is with me! Beautiful post, Lynn, reminding me of all those ways!

  12. Maryleigh, you are always so sweet. Thank you, dear one, for your comment. Blessings to you!
