Saturday, August 25

Shhh! Listen! Can You Hear It?

Shhh! Listen! Can you hear it? 

Can you hear God’s voice in your surroundings? In things like...

* bubbling streams and surging oceans
* turbulent storms and calm, clear days
* glowing sunsets and breath-taking sunrises
* majestic mountain heights and verdant valleys
* the lives of ants, butterflies, rabbits, and squirrels
* the beauty of snow and ice and the desperation of droughts
* the melodies of birds and the rustling of breezes through the leaves
* the explosive hues of fall trees and the vibrant variety of spring and summer blossoms

What about your thoughts? What do they convey to you?
What do your eyes “say” to your brain about what they see?
What do your hands “speak” to your heart as they touch objects?
What do your feet “tell” you about where you walk? (And no, not that they hurt!)

God communicates with us in immeasurable ways, but our busy schedules, other interests, and circumstances numb us to them. We become inattentive to His voice spoken through others, our circumstances, His Word, and His creation. His voice is available to us every second of every day as He continuously speaks to us through all that He has created.

God created all things, commanding them to exist by His Eternal Word. The writer of Hebrews tells us that “the word of God is living, and powerfully working, and sharper than every two-edged sword.” (Heb. 4:12 Received Greek Text) The Amplified Bible states it this way, “For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective].”

By the definitions of the words in that verse, God’s Word is alive and powerful, active and working, keen and cutting. Not ordinary words, His words are unseen, living entities, actually working energy and living matter of the dynamic kind that creates.

God’s Word creates because it is a part of Himself, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1 NKJV) and Jesus is that Word of God, “His name is called The Word of God.” (Rev. 19:13 NKJV)

John 1:3 says that, through Jesus as the Word, “all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made.” (NIV) He is “the Origin and Beginning and Author of God’s creation.” (Rev. 3:14b Amp)                                                                                       

Scripture also says, “He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together” (Col. 1:17 NIV), that creation is “being held together by the word of God” (2 Peter 3:5 RGT), as Christ the Word is “upholding all things by the word of His power” (Heb. 1:3 NKJV).

God’s Word is everlasting. It never dies, for “the word of God which lives and abides forever…the word of the Lord remains forever.” (1 Peter 1:23, 25 Received Greek Text)

David said, “What You say goes, GOD, and stays, as permanent as the heavens.” (Ps. 119:89 Msg) And Jesus declared it, “My words won’t wear out; My words will never pass away.” (Matt. 24:35 Msg)

Whether those spoken words were preserved as the written Word or preserved in creation, they are still alive. Therefore, if that Living Word never dies and echoes throughout the endless halls of eternity, then its power is continuously and permanently active in what it has created, being perpetuated from one generation to the next.

All atoms and molecules of living matter circulate in resonation, pulsating, as the dictionary says, with the same frequency as their source. Within that living matter is God’s voice imprint, His DNA, as the Source of all life, still resounding in the entire universe.

That same echo of the Living Word working in creation operates also in our hearts to create eternal life within us.

If God’s voice still resonates in creation and in us, are we sensitive enough to hear His Still Small Voice?

Oh, my sweet friends, God is speaking.

Do not miss His sweet whisper.

Shhh! Listen! Can you hear it?

Hooking up with...


Beauty in His Grip Button



  1. Sneaking in quietly so as not to disturb His voice...

    well said

  2. LOL Love that! Thanks so much, sweetie, for stopping by! Bless you!

  3. Oh, Lynn- I do hear him in those ways. Oh how wonderful His creation and the quietness makes it easy to hear Him. And see Him. God revealing Himself as The Word that became flesh, the Living Word and Him as Creator are my two favorite attributes?Revelations of Him! Thanks for your words and your visiting as well. Beautiful post. I hear Him! Blessed be His name! Tip toeing off now. Sweet dreams. ;)

  4. Yes, I hear him. For a year I kept hearing him out at my pond and Ponderings by the Pond book was born. I also hear him when I'm out in the homeless community and when I lie in bed at night, and even at the kitchen sink! Love that He is with me and speaks to me no matter where I am or what I am doing.
    Yes, I am listening, I am hearing.
    Thanks for the smile tonight :)

  5. Lovely post, Lynn. I like to listen to creation every morning sitting with the Bible and coffee in my back yard. I can hear God there, even in suburbia...

  6. Hey, Dawn! I'm so honored to have you visit. Thank you for such a great comment. I deeply appreciate it. Bless you!

  7. Kristin, I am so sure you hear Him. Thank you so much, sweetie, for taking time to stop by. Always love seeing you. Blessings to you!

  8. Oh, Carol, isn't that the best time to hear Him? Those morning hours are so lovely and intimate. Thank you so much. Bless you!

  9. Yes! How many "wonder moments" there are all around us, if we quiet our hearts and listen! Lovely post.

  10. Yes, so true, Pam. Thanks so much, sweetie, for stopping by. Have missed you. Blessings to you!

  11. Yes, Lynn, we do need to remain still, and quiet in order to hear His voice, and this means our hearts as well as our minds. This is sometimes difficult when we can't carve out quiet moments without interruption, but it is worth the effort, even if I have to get up at 4 or 4:30 am to to find it! Blessings to you, Lynn for the reminder.

  12. It is difficult, especially these days with so much on everyone's schedule. But nothing is more important. Thanks so much, sweetie, for dropping by. Always love seeing you. Bless you!
