Monday, October 1

I'm Leaving Home!

Yup. I’m leaving home! I’m leaving the old Heading Home behind and moving into a brand, new place.

This is a new journey. One of my words for this year.

Will you celebrate with me?

Come on over and see what all the hoopla is about. I’m giving away a $100 gift card to celebrate. To be entered for the giveaway, leave a comment here or on the new site. Registration will close at midnight October 10.

I know I will probably lose followers and subscribers, but I’m praying those of you, my precious readers, will follow me over to my new home and sign up for continued service of Heading Home from the new digs. I hope you will sign up for future posts either by RSS feed or email.

There may be a hiccup or two in the transfer, so please bear with me as I get it all straightened out.

I wanted to take a little space here and tell you how much I appreciate each and every one of you. You warm my heart with your comments and by being a follower or a subscriber...or both! I praise the Lord for you all.

What I write is for you, for your encouragement on this Christian journey, this Pilgrim’s Progress, to that Eternal Home, the Celestial City.

What was your word for the year? Did you have one?

 Have you left anything old lately and moved into the new?

Come join me at the new address:



  1. Lynn, I enjoy having the blogs I follow in one feed, so when I log in to my own blog, there they all are. That way I don't get emails each time a favorite blogger (like you) posts.
    My word for the year is Listen.

  2. Thank you so much, Terra! And if you sign up for the new RSS feed and it doesn't work, please let me know. Blessings to you, sweetie, for being a special follower!

  3. I've been battling with the prospect of combining my blog with my website, and to tell you the truth, I haven't reached a decision yet. I've weighed the pros and cons, but I still don't know if I'm ready to make such a huge change. I applaud you for your courage! You can count on me to follow you to your new home. . .but don't worry, I'll leave my suitcase behind!

  4. Oh wow, moving huh... I'll go with you ;)

  5. LOL Thanks, Dana, for following me! I deeply appreciate it! Yeah, it was not an easy decision and I hemmed and hawed even after the site was implemented some time ago. I was comfy right here and didn't really want to move. But *they* (whoever they are) said it was good for me! I'll say a prayer for your decision. Blessings to you!

  6. LOL Marja, you're such a hoot! Thanks, sweetie, for being such a faithful follower. There's a special place in my heart that has your name on it! Bless you!
