Tuesday, December 23

A Christmas Word from the Lord

Today, I share with you a message from the Lord to me some time ago. I pray that it will touch your heart this Christmas and bless you...

“My dearest one,

This is the season for giving thanks for the greatest Gift ever given, My One and Only Son, Jesus Christ. In Him is to be found all the gifts of the Spirit. All His gifts are truly yours, if you are truly Mine. You must present yourself as a gift given humbly to Me. This is the great Gift Exchange. Only when your heart is truly given to Me can this exchange be utterly completed.

The Holy Present was first given and made His home in a lowly manger in a barn. The Holy Present is now given to make His home in the hearts of men, but His home still needs to be a humble dwelling place. This Holy Present cannot live in a place where man wants to be the ruler. There can only be one Ruler of each heart.

The Gift was given in order to bring peace into the heart of the recipient, but only when one gives all of oneself back to the Giver can this Gift Exchange take place and peace be found.

Peace came that Holy Night and filled the world with wonder and joy. Its Light not only illuminated the entire sky but it also lit the way for the entire world to be saved, if they would only have eyes to see.

Remember this Christmas, when all the presents are under the tree, that the Greatest Gift of all drew His first breath of life in a manger made from a tree, and drew His last breath of life on a cross made from a tree. So, when you look at your Christmas tree this season, see it as a cradle of love and a display of agony; both held the true Gift, the Gift of Life.

He came into this world as the Gift of Life and gave back that Life as a Gift to all mankind.

Oh, My children, do not miss the true Spirit of Christmas, My Gift to you. Whether you have presents under the tree or not, the True Presence shall be alive in your heart, if you will just receive your True Gift.”

May all who read this know the joy of the True Gift of Christmas...Jesus!

~~Blessings, Lynn~~
7 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Praise God for this word he gave to you. And thank you so much for sharing it with us. Amen! Amen! Amen!


  2. Oh Lynn that's very special. How many people miss out on the gift because they feel they need to earn it? But that's what a gift is; to give to another but that person must receive it. I have loved ones who still haven't received but I continue to pray that their eyes would be opened.

    I read a book called "The Exchanged Life" and it was so helpful to me. I need to surrender fully and allow Him to live through me. It sounds good but since we still have our will and self nature that can be challenging at times. My desire is to grow in my relationship with the Lord and not fight with control on the inside. Then I don't need to worry about so many things. He will work in and through me.

    Thank you for posting and may the Lord bless you this Christmas time.

  3. lynnmosher Says:

    Thank you, dear Kennisha! I so love to hear from you. Blessings to you...

  4. lynnmosher Says:

    Oh, sweet Debbie! Thank you so much for your kind words. I will have to look for the book you mentioned. Sounds like one I would love. I will pray for your loved ones. Be blessed...

  5. Lorrie Says:

    Very special Lynn ~ thank you for this Christmas blessing!!!

  6. Thanks Lynn for sharing these wonderful words of truth!

  7. Thank you Jesus for having Lynn share this with us..

    This is so true and so easy to understand that I will be sharing it with my children on Christmas morning right after we read the story of the birth of Lord Jesus Christ.

    Thank you and Merry Christmas.