Tuesday, May 11

Trust in a Tightrope

Today, I bring you a story I heard and I have question for you at the end.

A story is told, whether true or not, of a tightrope walker that went to Niagara Falls. He had a wire strung across the falls and then sent out fliers to advertise his walk.

The day of his great feat arrived and crowds packed the banks to see this man walk across Niagara Falls.

The man appeared and applause rang out. He grabbed his balancing pole and placed his feet on the wire, ready to begin. A hush fell on the crowd.

The winds blew against him from the force of the water below him. Cautiously and preciously placing his feet on the wire, he walked across and received an overwhelming round of applause.

He asked the crowd on that side, “Do you think I can make it back across again? Do you trust me? Raise your hands.” The crowd cheered and all the hands went up.

Safely making his way back to the other side, he said to that crowd, “Do you think I can make it across again? Do you trust me? Raise your hands.” All the hands went up along with the cheers.

He walked off to the side and came back with a wheelbarrow. “Now, who trusts me enough to get in the wheelbarrow?”

The crowd stood silent. No hands went up.

If we apply this spiritually to our lives, we say we trust the Lord. We even applaud and cheer Him at work in the lives of others. But when it comes to our own lives, our faith and trust sometimes wane. We become silent. No hands go up.

If the Lord asked if you trusted Him enough to get in life’s wheelbarrow because He was taking you across the dangerous waters of circumstances, would you get in or on the sidelines?

Do you trust the Lord to carry you?

11 Responses
  1. I'm learning to trust... learning to trust.

    Thank you for the encouragement.

    All's grace,
    Ann Voskamp

  2. Lee Hiller Says:

    Every Day, especially now! I Love this post Lynn...

    Love You,

  3. Excellent. It's hard to trust sometimes, isn't it ... especially when things look bleak and black and you don't think you can find your way. Thanks for the post. Needed that today.

  4. Lynn, my theme for this year is to learn to ...trust and obey.

    But I have to admit when I thought about that wheelbarrow across Niagara Falls, I started to feel anxious already. And yet ...I know He is trustworthy.

    I'm getting there but a bit slowly.

    Hugs to you,

  5. I'm saying yes because I've been there more than once and HE always came through for me. I have no doubts about what God can do. I trust Him with all I am.

  6. Yvonne Says:

    This is so appropriat Lynn. Hubby and myself are helping a friend at the moment with trust issues. Talk about a word in season!!!

    God is good. All the time God is good.

    Thanks for sharing.

    y Blessings.
    Yvonne x

  7. Anonymous Says:

    Beautiful analogy and story, Lynn. Thanks Love U Rick (and Lee)

  8. Awesome Lynn! I cannot believe you posted this story in the same week my husband shared it in our small group... well, unless he reads your blog, haha!
    This story illustrates the difference between believing and having faith (trust, certainty etc.) in God. THANK YOU!

  9. My answer is YES. Trust in the Lord your God with all of your heart, mind and soul.... God's blessings, Lloyd

  10. Danie Marie Says:

    I've heard this story in the past, and it's a good reminder. Another analogy; get out of the boat. If we don't we'll miss awesome blessings we can only receive from the Lord when we're willing to trust Him. Thanks for sharing Lynn.

  11. Duane Scott Says:

    Powerful story. I've heard it before and could hear it many times again.
