Saturday, December 6

Immanuel...God With Us

The Advent season is upon us once again. It comes more quickly each year. I know, I’m just getting old!

Since we’ll soon hear the amazing story of Jesus’ birth being told from the pulpit, I thought we’d take a look at two words from the account: Jesus and Bethlehem. Two seemingly separate words yet intertwined in a surprising way. We’ll look at Jesus today and discover the treasure hidden in Bethlehem next time.

In the Old Testament, God’s name and His presence were virtually synonymous, which was evidenced in His name Jehovah-shammah, meaning the Lord is present or there.

Jehovah-shammah, dwelling on the throne of heaven, lowered Himself to earth to be born in another form, to live personally with His people. His name? “Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Is. 9:6 NKJV)

In the New Testament, Jesus was Jehovah-shammah, as Matthew, quoting prophecy, said of His name, “‘They shall call His name Immanuel,’ translated as, ‘God with us.’” (Matt. 1:23b NKJV)

When Jesus came to be with us, He threw off His robe of celestial royalty and dressed Himself in a tiny, pink suit of humanity, and from the birth-manger to the death-tomb, “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” (John 1:14 NKJV) The original Greek says that Jesus “tabernacled” among us.

That Divine Flesh was known by the name of Jesus, which the Word says is a “more excellent name” (Heb. 1:4) and the “name which is above every other name.” (Phil. 2:9b TLB)

Calling on that precious name has opened the portals of heaven and shut the gates of hell bringing salvation to lost souls, turning away tornadoes, averting disasters, saving the lives of those in car wrecks, healing people of cancer and AIDS, giving the lame the ability to walk, hearing to the deaf, and sight to the blind, delivering those oppressed by demons, and even bringing some back from death’s grip. Dependence on that name is essential.

The last thing Jesus said to His disciples was, “And lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matt. 28:20 NKJV)

Jehovah-shammah. Immanuel. God with us. Always!

~~Blessings, Lynn~~
5 Responses
  1. I love how you say Jesus "threw off His robe of celestial royalty and dressed Himself in a tiny, pink suit of humanity" which is such a great description! It's a miracle I can't begin to comprehend, but give thanks each day for the magnificence of that sacrifice! Thank you for this beautifully worded reminder, Lynn!

  2. Billy Coffey Says:

    It's true, isn't it, that we celebrate Jesus's birth and death but skip over the celebration of Him also being alive here and now, in our hearts. Reason enough for celebration every day.

    Thanks for these words, Lynn.

  3. AC Says:

    BEAUTIFUL writing Lynn! I have never heard the transformation of Jesus coming to earth quite so well written:

    "...threw off His robe of celestial royalty and dressed Himself in a tiny, pink suit of humanity,"


  4. Wow Lynn, wow! Amen to all of that, awesome post. I always love the phrase "He tabernacles with us", He has made His home with us, that is such a privilige, such a miracle. Great devotion... and it isn't even Christmas yet :)

  5. Chris Depew Says:

    He made his home with us. What a blessing. Thank you for reminiding me of this fact. It is easy to forget he doesn't just look down and observe. He is with us now. Thanks again Lynn, amazing as always.