Tuesday, February 16

Something to Ponder

Today, I have no words to offer of comfort or encouragement. This photo has wrapped its tender tentacles around my heart and mind, evoking deep emotions and rendering me wordless.

What does it say to you?

21 Responses
  1. It evokes deep emotions in me as well. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Terra Says:

    It evokes heartbreak, pure and simple.

  3. LYnn that is almost wordless, the despair and profound sadness of loss while the child reaches out to either play or comfort. sigh

  4. It certainly causes you to pause and ponder.

  5. Walk Says:

    It evokes thankfulness for men and women that put it on the line for us, whether military, police, or fire. Thankfulness for their families that live with the heartbreak, the separation, and only they know the difficulties they go through.

    And thankfulness for a Savior whom like them, gave His life that we can be truly free.

  6. Complete brokeness... Yet, the infants hand reaching towards it's mother reminds me of God's loving comfort, that though horrible sorrow befalls our hearts God is there in the midst, offering His hand of hope. May we, as followers of Christ always be aware and attentive to all those suffering through the grief of loss so we may show the comfort and compassion of our great God. And let us never forget the unselfish sacrifice of our service men/women and their families who gave thier lives for our worlds freedom...and even more so, that Jesus did the same for our eternal freedom.

  7. It says sacrifice to me...ummm, and pain. Thanks for sharing!

  8. judithbailey Says:

    This life brings sacrifice, loss, suffering, and much more; but through it all, God is there with us! He will meet us in our time of need! Through a word of hope, a word of encouragement, a touch, even from a small child! Through sadness, God can bring joy! Through loss, He can bring abundance! Through suffering, He can bring healing! Let go & Let God!

  9. Unknown Says:

    This picture evokes such heartache. Especially seeing the baby's hand reaching for momma. Very powerful photo.

  10. Lynn, it reminds me that I am not alone in my grief.
    Feb.6th: Our cat, a member of our household for 15 years, died;
    Feb. 12th: My dear friend and adopted brother died of cancer;
    Feb 16th: One of my favorite aunts died of Alzheimer's disease.

    In ten days, I said good-bye to three loved ones. I am emotionally battered, but God is carrying me when the grief seems more than I can bear.

    Thank you for reminding me that I am not alone...

    Be blessed,


  11. mcProdigal Says:

    Extreme loss of a highly valued prize ... the baby's hand is hope

  12. cmr_laura Says:

    God bless the troops!

  13. Lisa Says:

    Despair. Yet, also, eternal hope. (Saw your Tweet re-Tweeted by Samaritan's Purse. Beautiful blog).


  14. The picture says it all!

  15. lynnmosher Says:

    All of you have been so awesome in your comments. I know you were touched as deeply as I was by this photo.

    Forgive me for not responding sooner. I've been working on a couple of e-books and it's making me frazzled. I think I'm finally getting the hang of it. This ol' brain needs a lot of repetition for anything to take root! LOL

    It so blesses my heart to "see" each one of you. Some, I haven't "seen" in a while. Some, are new. I praise the Lord for each one of you. May you be blessed in whatever you need!

  16. Unknown Says:

    That photo could be me, if anything ever happens to my husband at work. Gut wrenching.

  17. TraciB Says:

    As the sister of a veteran of the first Gulf War, seeing that photo makes me thankful that my brother survived to come home to his family and makes my heart ache for the families of all those who don't make it back from their tours of duty.

    At the same time, the writer in me starts clicking on the keyboard of my mind and spinning out a story. I hope that doesn't sound heartless, just honest...

  18. Anonymous Says:

    Oh, Cathy! I pray the Lord's protection over your sweet hubby in all he does! Be blessed, dear one!

  19. Anonymous Says:

    Traci, So glad your brother made it home safely. And no, as a writer, images like that should evoke passion and awaken your muse. I use photos like occasionally at CW as prompts. Which reminds me, we're due for a new one! Be blessed!

  20. The picture brought tears to my eyes. I feel the pain of the wife/mother and the wondering of the babe.

    My friend's son enlisted in the army last month, leaving behind a beautiful young wife and 1 year old daughter (and his anxious mom).

    What a sacrifice these men and women make for us.

  21. Death. Life. Grief. Hope.
