Tuesday, January 4
I pray health and peace will greet you and your family at every turn of the New Year. May blessings overtake you, as God’s servants Goodness and Mercy pursue you throughout the days to come.
May the Lord’s shadow of forgiveness be thrown over the disappointments and troubles of the year now closed, while His Light is cast as a beacon of guidance to His safe haven of the days yet to be explored.
May you lean more upon your Beloved’s breast to seek His presence, just to be near Him, than to seek His handouts.
May you know the presence of the great Immanuel, God with you, every second of every day.
May the answers to your prayers be swift and understood. May your obedience to the Holy Spirit be greater than the year closing.
May the Lord “make you have a surplus of prosperity” and “open to you His good treasury.” (Deut. 28:11a, 12a Amp) May He “bless you in all the work of your hands.” (Deut. 24:19b Amp)
May His eyes be upon your household from the beginning of the year until the end of the year. And may the sounds of joy fill every room of your house.
May you know your Beloved Lord better at the end of this new year than you did at the end of last year.
Each of you is a special instrument that is being fine-tuned for great service - to play beautiful music for the Master Conductor. You must first learn to be through much practice before you can learn to do that which He strikes at the cords of your heart to do for Him.
He uses only those instruments that are in tune with His great purposes. His harmony is the sweetest when played on the instruments that lay closest to His feet. And I know that you sit adoringly at His precious feet - in true devotion and affection, in true worship and praise. All will be well. He loves you.
“Did I not tell you and promise you that if you would believe and rely on Me, you would see the glory of God?” (John 11:40 Amp)
May you see great glory in your household in the New Year!
From my heart to yours...
Very nice prayer. I can tell you put a lot of time and heart into it. Thanks. wb
Blessings back to you my friend. Thank you!
I take your well worded prayer very serious Lynn and receive every word! Thank you for being such a faithful blogger. I pray this will be your best year yet, in writing, in health, in relationships and with the Lord!!
PS: would be so kind as to highlight GRACE OF GIVING at the end of this month? I'll e-mail you the link to Amazon when I have it. I'd be honored! Thanks so much, I appreciate the opportunity.
Thank you for those wonderful words and I know they were sincere! What a wonderful blessing and I receive it Lynn. Thank you and I hope you reap a double portion of it :-)
Beautiful prayer Lynn!