Thursday, September 29

Pearls from Perils

What is a natural pearl?

Most of us know how pearls are made.

When a foreign substance invades an oyster, the intruder slips into the mantle tissue of the mollusk, causing irritation. It is somewhat like the oyster getting a splinter. “The oyster’s natural reaction is to cover up that irritant to protect itself,” as one source states.

As a natural reaction to this, the oyster secretes a substance known as nacre to envelope the foreign invader as a part of its self-protection. The nacre is secreted over and over creating layers around the irritant to make it smoother.

Over time, the layers create a shiny pearl of various colors (white, pink, black, red, blue and green). Pearls reach their full size over an average span of three years. Thus, the reason for their worth.

What is a cultured pearl?

Cultured pearls develop much in the same way. However, while natural pearls develop without human intervention, cultured pearls are cultivated through human manipulation, depositing the irritant within the mollusk.

What is a peril?

The dictionary defines peril as something that causes an exposure to injury, loss, or destruction, grave risk, jeopardy, or danger.

Is there an irritant in your life, something that has attempted to destruct your life or invade your spirit? Has some circumstance, trial, or grief surrounded you, threatening injury or loss?

Some of our troubles emanate from our own human manipulation like the cultured pearl. We then try to cover them over by our own efforts. This usually results in the problem remaining as grit stuck in our craw rather than becoming a pearl.

However, some trials develop without our intervention. Like the irritant of the natural pearl, they just slip their way into our lives.

The Lord takes all our perils, all those irritants and trials, hurts and heartaches, losses and griefs, and covers them over with His balm. He pours out the oil of His Spirit, layer upon layer, upon our souls and spirits until we have “beauty for ashes” and “the oil of joy for mourning.” (Isa. 61:3)

I don’t think it is any coincidence that the gates into heaven are each made of one gigantic pearl. (Rev. 21:21) God has taken all the perils, trials, and tribulations from the beginning of time and molded them into the pearly gates.

We shall enter those portals of pearl, passing through and leaving behind all that has grieved us throughout our lives, leaving our tears outside the gate and entering into the fullness of joy.

Just as someone once said, “Nearly all God’s jewels are crystallized tears,” so all our perils are encapsulated pearls.

How long has it taken to make a pearl out of your irritant, your hurt, your peril? Are you still waiting for your pearls from perils? Hang on; it takes time. In God’s timing, all your troubles will be transformed into worthy pearls.

A pearl...a healed wound, born out of affliction. Are there any pearls in your life?

Today, I'm connecting with...

...hop over and read some of the other entries.



  1. Well Lynn, we have to be honest on this... yes, I have many pearls in progress :)
    Encouraging post, thank you!

  2. LOL Yeah, me too! Thanks, sweetie!

  3. This was a lovely analogy (and the play on words was clever, too!) It just proves that God can make something beautiful out of anything. The post title caught my eye because my daughter just returned from China where she was in the 'pearl' capital of Beihai. She brought home a beautiful string of pearls for me. Now I'll think about your wise words as I wear them!

  4. Loved this, Lynn. And in Jesus' parable, the pearl of great worth is the Gospel. I always think of Jesus when I think of pearls. This here post was a pearl of wisdom...

  5. I love the visual you provide. I wish someone had told me when I was growing that struggles turn us into something more beautiful, more valuable - but I try to teach my boys that.

    I especially love the line: "We shall enter those portals of pearl, passing through and leaving behind all that has grieved us throughout our lives," - I'd never thought of that - and it created an awesome picture in my head.

    Hope your weekend is sweet, Lynn. We're starting a 2 week Fall Break - and hoping in the second week to make my way to Louisville.

  6. Ooo...Tracy! How wonderful that your daughter brought you a wonderful pearl necklace! What a great reminder! Thanks so much for taking time to comment. Makes my heart happy. Bless you1

  7. LOL Thank you, Carol. I, too, always think of Jesus as that Great Pearl. I always love hearing from you. Bless you!

  8. Thank you, sweet Maryleigh. You are such a great teacher to your boys. I so admire you. You've blessed me with your comment. I deeply appreciate it. I hope I'll feel better when you come. I have a horrible cough from a chest cold, bronchitis, or something. Ugh!

  9. you don't know how i needed this today, friend. thank you. xo

  10. Sweet Emily, praying for you. May the Lord bless you with whatever you need.

  11. Hi Lynn, there is a Versatile Blogger Award waiting for you over at The Garden Gate! Hugs, Elizabeth.

  12. Elizabeth, thank you so much, sweetie, for the award. I'm honored and deeply appreciate it. Bless you!

  13. Dear Lynn,
    Thanks so much for this post. I have used this illustration often, and I compare it to when the same irritant gets in your eye. Instead of making a beautiful pearl, it destroys the eye. The irritant is the same. It's our response to the irritant that creates beauty or destruction.
    Love you lots,

  14. Amen, Susan! Thanks so much for that illustration! Great point and so true! Bless you!

  15. Wonderful post. I hope that my family is working on a pearl right now. My 9 year old has cancer and we face a long road of treatment. Thanks for sharing!

  16. Oh, my, Bryan! I am so sorry. No child should ever have to go through that. Praying for you! May the Lord bless you in this trying time.

  17. I love this, Lynn. Pearls from Perils. Says it all. After some of the things in my life, I hope I getting closer to seeing His reflection when I look in the mirror.
    My goal anyway. I want to be a pearl in His crown. Beautiful. Just beautiful.

  18. Ceci, thank you, sweetie. I appreciate it. You are a precious pearl. Bless you!
