Sunday, October 2

Taken Aside for a Purpose

(I hope you don't mind another rerun!)

“He took him aside, away from the crowd.” (Mark 7:33a NIV)

Taken aside…In 1666, John Bunyan was imprisoned for unlicensed preaching. What came out of that dark, damp Bedford jail in England? Out of his captivity came Bunyan’s Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners and the most famous of all Christian allegories Pilgrim’s Progress.

Taken aside…Out of years of service in Japan and China, as a missionary in the early 1900s, and out of the imprisonment of her husband’s sickness and subsequent death, came Mrs. Charles E. Cowman’s beautiful, classic devotional Streams in the Desert.

Taken aside…Catherine Marshall, at the age of 33, suffered two years of physical imprisonment with a life-threatening bout of tuberculosis. When her husband Peter died, she took care of their nine-year-old son Peter, Jr. Out of her suffering, she authored over 20 books, among them the well-loved Christy.

Taken aside…Paul, imprisoned. The most fruitful period of his ministry. What did he do? He praised God as a prisoner, not of disease or circumstance, but as a prisoner of the Lord. Out of those times came his letters of encouragement to the churches, giving untold generations the books of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon, and possibly Hebrews.

Have you been taken aside by some life-shattering circumstance? Do you trust that God will be with you through it and use whatever imprisonment you might be suffering for the benefit of others?

Today, I'm hooking up with...



  1. Oh Lynn, once again I'm so thankful that you reposted this one. It speaks to me at this time in my life. I have to say that I've read almost all of Catherine Marshall's books. So the Lord used her in a mighty way to encourage and bless others.

    I had other plans for my life. But I'm trying to embrace this time and to discover God's purpose.

    Blessings and love,

  2. Re-postings are reminders Lynn. Thanks, this is such a good one.
    Blessings, I know something incredible and inspiring is coming out of you as well!

  3. Perhaps one of the hardest things I've had to go through was working through my husband's porn addiction. But after enduring and working and praying, I wouldn't trade the experience because of the fruit that He has born out of it.

  4. Oh, sweet Debbie! It so blesses me to know this touched your life. I praise the Lord for that. Sometimes we think we are on a detour when it's just God's special path. I know your path has great blessings in store for you. Blessings to you!

  5. Oh, Marja! You are always so gracious and kind to me! Thank you, my sweet friend! Bless you!

  6. Oh, Jen, I am so sorry for all that you have gone through. Yet, it sounds that the other end of the tunnel offered a blessing! Saying a prayer for you and hubby. May the Lord bless you both!

  7. Lynn, I absolutely LOVE this! There truly is purpose for everything we go through! Purpose for the pain - purpose for the praise - purpose for it all!

    Love ya!
    Phil 3:7-14

  8. Lynn,

    I can't begin to tell you the depths of difficulty that I've been through and how life-shattering it may have been except for God. I look back on that time in my life as a fire of purification and humility that taught me God's grace is not a soft pillow but a solid foundation.

    God has "taken me aside" and when I was allowed to return I found that I never would see the world the same way. I've learned grace and mercy and also know how to offer sympathy to those whom the crowds reject.

    Thank you for this wonderful reminder.

  9. Thank you, precious Stephanie! Yes, purpose for it all. Love you!

  10. Oh, Michael, what a wonderful testimonial. Thank you for your touching comment. May the Lord bless you in all you do!

  11. Oh, don't I know it. Hidden for greater purposes. I was just reminded of how much teenagers grow while they sleep.

    Found you through Marja's blog. Looking forward to visiting.
    Much love.

  12. Lynn, I had been following already, meant to say noticed your recent post through Marja's blog.
    Love and blessings.
