Thursday, October 27

Living Large

Today, I have another great offering for you, another sweet cyber-friend, Carol Peterson. I hope you’ll support her with a comment. Thanks!

Is God cleaning out His heavenly library? I only wonder, because several books have recently fallen into my lap—seemingly from heaven. When I open them, they all assert the same thing: God means us to live a large life for Him.

Angela Thomas, in her book, Do You Know Who I Am? And Other Brave Questions Women Ask, asserts that our “calling” in Christ is to live a big life for God. He wants us, she says, “to live like He is worthy.”

Do I?

Marianne Williamson, author of books about miracles, asserts that God created us to shine for Him. The more we shine, she says, the more God is glorified and the more other people feel free to shine as well.

Do I shine?

Henry T. Blackaby, in Experiencing God, explains that when we have a relationship with God, He will show us ways to join in with His big plans.

Am I joining in?

So many of us trip over the idea of dreaming big dreams because of fear. We fear we are incapable. We fear we will fail. We fear other people will laugh at our dreams. Or will laugh if we fail.

It’s hard sometimes to remember that God gave us our one and only lives on this side of eternity in order to love and obey Him. And in so doing, to bring Him glory—great big glory!

We can have big dreams for our lives—not for pride or personal accomplishment—but because succeeding in those big dreams brings glory to God. And He is worthy of every dab of glory we can pluck out of our lives.

God has equipped us to succeed in our big dreams by the talents He has provided or the circumstances and people He has placed in our lives.

Or He will equip us if our dreams are aligned with His plan.

We may not be able to succeed on our own. But Christ can. Christ can succeed through us. And we can succeed through Him. Like Paul: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)

If we’re doing all things through Christ, what excuse do we have that we can’t dream big dreams and strive to achieve them? Not a one.

It’s time to live large lives for Christ.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, you know we have dreams. Make Your dreams our dreams. Help us live a life that is large for You, praising You and thanking You for it. Amen.

Do you have dreams you are afraid to dream? What are they? What first step might you take today toward living large for God?

~Be sure to visit Carol’s site, From Carol’s Quill



  1. Two of my favorite people in one place! Can't beat it! Thanks for the post, and keep dreaming big!!!

  2. Wow, you have touched on the very thing whirling through my mind recently.

    As I approach the later stages of my life, I find I am questioning what I should do next. I have raised my family, completed two careers and now feel at a loss, not sure what my next goal should be, other than to continue to grow as a child of God. The question is, how and in what way shall I continue to serve Him?

    Your words, Carol, have encouraged me to continue praying with an open mind for God's direction. Thank you.

  3. @ Linda - thanks, girlfriend!

    @ Cecelia - Glad your mind is whirling for Jesus! Keep praying.

  4. I have to continually remind myself of this... there's nothing to be afraid of when He is by my side!

    "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

    Thanks Carol and Lynn :)

  5. Thanks girls, great post! Yes, I am dreaming big, but that´s not always easy... doubt is always crouching at the door.
    I dare to dream big, because God is big and He is the one giving the dreams.

  6. Lynn, I'm so glad you shared Carol with us!

    What encouraging words! I've always said I vision BIG because our God is BIG! But I love the way Carol said, we dream big "to bring Him glory—great big glory!

    And He is worthy of every dab of glory we can pluck out of our lives."

    Beautifully said! And so true! Praying He plucks every dab for Himself! :-)

  7. I'm sorry I haven't responded sooner but I've been sick. Thanks so much to all of you who have left comments for Carol. We both appreciate it. Blessings to you all!

  8. @ Chris - wonderful quote from Joshua. Being strong and courageous is definitely part of dreaming big.

  9. @ Marja - doubt is a tough one. Fortunately God is tougher and bigger. Thank you for the comment!

  10. @ Stephanie - pluck away! Thank you for your encouragement!

  11. @ Lynn - Thank you so much for the opportunity to hang out at your wonderful blog! Hope you are all well now!
