Sunday, October 30

Your Maker is Your Husband

Thousands of years ago, the Hebrews observed a betrothal of marriage custom that consisted of twelve steps. Much of this custom is still observed today.

According to the custom, a Hebrew father almost always chose the woman to be betrothed to his son. Only rarely did the parents allow their children to make their own choices.

After all the betrothal steps had been completed, the Law legally bound the man and woman together and regarded them as husband and wife, as one entity. Though considered married, the covenant forbade them to live together physically.

Most betrothal periods lasted about one year, as the bridegroom would leave to build a home for his bride. Before he departed to begin his project, the bridegroom made a statement to his bride: “I go to prepare a place for you; if I go, I will return again unto you.”

Throughout their relationship, they were entirely devoted to one another, even though distance separated them. Their commitment to each other was based on covenant and was not to be broken.

When the bridegroom was finished building the home, he still could not leave to snatch away his bride. He never knew the day or hour for he had to wait until his father gave his approval and said it was time to go. Then, the bridegroom would gather his friends and go get his bride, arriving around midnight, unannounced. The bride never knew the day nor the hour of his arrival and had to be ready at all times.

Throughout the Bible, God relates to His people in a closeness of companionship so intimate that He compares it to a marriage relationship. In the book of Isaiah, He said, “For your Maker is your Husband.” (Is. 54:5 NKJV)

As the father, in the tradition, arranged the marriage for his son, God the Father arranged the marriage between His Son and the church as the Bride.

Just as the Hebrew couple was considered as one unit, the same truth exists when believers accept Christ’s proposal, receiving Him as their Savior, for they become a part “of His body, of His flesh and of His bones,” (Eph. 5:30b NKJV) as a divine oneness.

As Paul said, “This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church.” (Eph. 5:32 NKJV) The mystery, the secret? “For this is the secret: Christ lives in you.” (Col. 1:27b NLT)

Even though the Father has chosen her, the Bride comes of her own free will, accepting the Bridegroom’s proposal and choosing to be betrothed to Christ - or not. If she accepts and says, “I do,” she is, as Paul said, “‘married,’ so to speak, to the One Who rose from the dead.” (Rom. 7:4b TLB)

When Christ died, He departed as the heavenly Bridegroom to prepare a dwelling place for His precious Bride. On the night before His crucifixion, Jesus essentially spoke the bridegroom’s statement to the disciples, “I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.” (John 14:2b-3 NKJV)

The Son knows not the day nor the hour of His return, as only the Father knows the time for the Son’s return for His precious Bride. As Jesus said, “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.” (Matt. 24:36 NKJV)

Neither does the Church Bride know the day nor the hour of her Beloved Bridegroom’s return for her, so she must be prepared at all times.

If Jesus died that His Bride might be without spot or wrinkle or any other defect, then, as part of the Bride, how will you be dressed when the heavenly Bridegroom arrives? Will you have a mopey face, hair covered in the ashes of doubt and worry, breath smelling of negative words, and wear a ratty old wedding gown of self-pity, ripped and stained, full of the filth of the world?

Or will you be “a bride beautifully dressed for her husband” (Rev. 21:2b NIV) adorned with a smile on your face, joy in your heart, songs of worship and praise on your lips, dressed in a pure, white garment of salvation and righteousness, and crowned with the gift of the Bridegroom?

The Bridegroom is coming soon for His Bride. Have you made sure that you are in a holy covenant of betrothal with Him? While He’s away, are you totally devoted to Him? If you knew tomorrow was your last day on earth, would it affect your behavior today?

Are you ready for His return? Are you, as they say, good to go?



  1. In answer to your question, I am ready in a heartbeat. I've seen a tiny portion of what He has prepared. Nothing on this earth can compare. My only concern would be leaving loved ones to face the pain of our separation until they are called. I love the analogy of the bride with the description of her gown. Well done, Lynn, as always.

  2. Beautiful illustrations! When we really consider our Bridegroom, it's a wonder that we would ever cheat on Him. Yet sadly, too often I do. I so appreciate reminders like these to refresh that sense of His soon return.

  3. Love your post - the best of all possible romance stories!

  4. Well, I am ready--yes and no. I think I'm living the country/western song that: everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to go now.

  5. I used to be scared to death when people would pray: "Jesus, Come Quickly."

    Not anymore! :)

    However, my heart breaks for those who don't yet know Him. And maybe God's does too? And maybe that's why He tarries?

    Thank you for your post.

  6. What a delightful post Lynn! This SO ministered to my heart tonight and refreshed my mind as to the reality of the situation we are in. Our heavenly bridegroom IS coming, may we be ready and delighted at his appearing!!

  7. Is this from your upcoming book Lynn?

  8. So beautiful Lynn. I can't wait for my Lord's return. I pray that I will be found ready and eagerly waiting. Rather than unaware and embracing the things of this world.
    God help me and all of Gods people to keep our oil lamps filled and ready for that great and awesome day of our husbands return.

  9. Oh, Ceci, I'm so with you on this. Glad you liked the description. Thanks, sweetie! Bless you!

  10. Susan! So glad to see you, dear one! I haven't been to visit you lately. I've been sick. Will get there soon. If we could understand that we do cheat on Him, I think our behavior would change. Thanks, sweetie, for commenting! Blessings to you!

  11. LOL Ah, yes! I like that Marji...the best of all possible romance stories! So true! Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. I'm honored. Blessings to you!

  12. LOL I think you're right, Carol! I want to go now but not until...

    Thanks, sweetie, for commenting. Always makes my heart happy! Bless you!

  13. Oh, yes, Jennifer, my heart breaks, too, and I know the Lord's does as well. I'm sure that's why He tarries. I'm so glad to see you. Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I deeply appreciate it. Bless you!

  14. Oh, Elizabeth, I'm so happy it ministered to you. That makes my heart so very happy to know that! Thanks so much for your comment. Blessings to you!

  15.'re good! Yes, it is (he-he)! It's rearranged a little but it's from my book. Maybe I should have added that as a footnote. Thanks, sweetie, for noticing! Bless you!

  16. Oh, yes, Vonnee! I so agree with you. Thanks, dear one, so much for leaving a comment. So glad to see you. Bless you!

  17. Beautiful post Lynn! Oh the excitement! Peering out into the stillness of the night - waiting for your betrothed to arrive! I am dressed and ready - waiting and anticipating that blessed occasion! A marriage made in heaven, Amen?

  18. I just wrote a post on this very same topic: Since Jesus is our "husband," He is our caretaker, our provider, and He owns everything! So why do we play life so very, very small? Worrying about everything and talking to Him about nothing? It makes no sense!

  19. Awesomeness!!! I love the comparison! Yes, I'm good to go! (-=

  20. I had heard part of the comparison but not all. What a beautiful picture! Thank you so much!

  21. Oh, yes, Deborah! Amen! The whole study of the Hebrew betrothal is so interesting, inspiring, and encouraging. Love it! Thanks, sweetie, for your comment!

  22. Oh, I agree, Staci! Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting. Will certainly stop by your place! Blessings to you!

  23. Yay, Kimberly! Thanks so much for your kind comment. Bless you!

  24. Sweet Capture, thank you so much for visiting and commenting. Just visited your site. Awesome photos! Blessings to you!
