Thursday, July 30

Marked for Reuse

An arborist meandered through the woods, examining the trees for their strength and readiness for service, which would make them suitable for greater purposes. Using his marker, he made his way through the woods, designating each tree to be cut down with a red X.

A few days later, the woodsman arrived at the woods, ax in hand to chop down the trees marked for reuse. Each tree stood tall and regal, sharing its beauty and life-giving shade with everything around them. Cutting them down seemed heartless as their beauty and usefulness still existed. Removing them from their comfy surroundings and placing them into new services struck at their very hearts.

But what happened to these glorious ones that received wounding with the agonizing blows of affliction? Each one went to the mill altering. But what were the destinations of these distressed ones? What new purpose awaited each one?

Their futures rested in the hands of master artisans, who lovingly reshaped them into…

…the resplendent instruments of a grand piano or a treasured violin for making beautiful music.

…the paper on which artists wrote great literary works that touched the hearts of others.

…sailing vessels, crafted for navigating the great seas.

…a stately pillar in a house of worship

Can you apply this to your life? Let’s see. Has your life ever gone well until the woodsman walked through it, rending blows of affliction and striking at your very heart? If you are a child of God, your life is marked with the Red X of the Lord, designating it for reuse at the discretion of the Master Artisan.

He will take the trials and affliction plaguing your life and turn them into new purposes for His glory. He will allow them to carve away at your life, making you…

…a fit instrument on which He plays beautiful music
…a blank sheet upon which He may write His message to touch the hearts of others
…a sturdy craft for navigating the great seas of life
…a stately pillar in His house of worship.

Do you feel you are suffering through cutting circumstances? Do you feel the ax of affliction, chopping away at your very heart? Remember, you’ve been marked with that Red X for reuse. The Lord has greater purposes in mind for your life, eternal purposes…for His glory, your blessing, and the benefit of others.

What are the greater purposes God is working in your life?

~~Blessings, Lynn~~

Sunday, July 26

Are You A Stone Thrower or A Coat Holder?

“You stab your own brother in the back,” says Psalm 50:20 in The Message. The New King James Version states it this way, “You sit and speak against your brother; you slander your own mother’s son.”

Why do we do this?

Unfortunately, we use our tongue “to give thanks to our Lord and Father and also to curse our fellow-man, who is created in the likeness of God.” (James 3:9 GNB)

If I was created in God’s image and likeness, and you were created in God’s image and likeness, and your family, friends, and neighbors were all created in God’s image and likeness, then how do we justify speaking against God’s creations?

Jesus said, “For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.” (Matt 15:19 NIV) ‘Slander’ and ‘speak against’ mean to be a false witness, be spiteful or malicious, speak evil of, be a talebearer, gossip, be hurtful, and so on. It is speech that is injurious to another’s good name.

Jesus also said, “A good man’s speech reveals the rich treasures within him. An evil-hearted man is filled with venom, and his speech reveals it.” (Matt. 12:35 TLB)

So, what do our tongues reveal? What wiggles its way out of our hearts, tickles our vocal chords, and jumps off the ends of our tongues? Is it the rich treasure of complimenting and encouraging others, or is it the venom of speaking gossip and negativity?

God is very particular about how we treat His body parts, His sons and daughters, our brothers and sisters. Malachi asked, “Don’t we all come from one Father? Aren’t we all created by the same God? So why can’t we get along?” (Mal. 2:10a Msg)

Why can’t we get along? How is it possible to love God and hate Him in others at the same time? How do we not love all parts of Christ’s Body? It would be like this: Do our eyes hate our polished toenails for being prettier? Do our teeth covet the gold in our ears? Are our hands jealous because our feet sport new coverings?

That may sound silly, but when Christ lives in others, they become a part of His body. So how do we not see them as vessels containing His Holy Spirit, unless the snarling monster of self raises its ugly head to block our view?

If we speak against or criticize another, gossiping behind his or her back, we put ourselves in opposition to God’s love and His Word, just as James tells us, “Don’t criticize and speak evil about each other, dear brothers. If you do, you will be fighting against God’s law of loving one another, declaring it is wrong.” (James 4:11a TLB)

If we are not to speak against our Christian brothers and sisters, do we then have free reign to use our words to tear apart the unbelievers? No, of course not. Jesus admonishes us, “So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.” (John 13:34 Life Recovery Bible NLT)

To love is a commandment, not something we choose to bestow only on certain people, when we feel like it. Godly love is an act of the will, not a feeling. If we say we walk in the Spirit, then we walk in love, with everyone, not just a select few.

The Lord once said to me, “Do not wound My Heart by saying unkind things about those I love, things you could not say to their faces.” Wow! We grieve the heart of our precious Lord by what we say about the ones He loves, which includes everyone.

Our love for Christ must hinder us from hurting Him with our criticism, gossiping, and judgment of others, whether vocalized or silent, whether against a believer or unbeliever.

We should be as wise as David when he prayed, “Take control of what I say, O LORD, and keep my lips sealed.” (Ps. 141:3 Life Recovery Bible NLT)

We can neither pass gossip along nor stand and listen while another pours it out. This reminds me of one of Paul’s accounts.

Paul, the worst of all persecutors of Christians, tried desperately to destroy the church. One day, on the Damascus Road, he encountered a blinding light as the Lord surrounded him, and said, “‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?’ And he said, ‘Who are You, Lord?’ Then the Lord said, ‘I am Jesus, Whom you are persecuting.’” (Acts 9:4-5 NKJV) In persecuting the Christians, Paul had persecuted the Lord Himself.

Before this confrontation, Paul witnessed the stoning of Stephen. As the Jewish leaders took their religious stance, fingers tightly clutching their stones of condemnation, Paul stood there, as one of the crowd, watching, while he held the garments of the other witnesses, making it easier for them to hurl the stones of pharisaical piety that ended Stephen’s life.

Paul had to lose his sight before he could gain his vision. When he encountered the Lord’s blinding presence on that day, he confessed to Him, “When Your witness Stephen was killed, I was standing there agreeing. I kept the coats they laid aside as they stoned him.” (Acts 22:20 Life Recovery Bible NLT)

So, let’s make this a personal application…Is there a stone of judgment or revenge clutched tightly in your hand? Or do you stand holding another’s coat while someone else throws sanctimonious stones or gossip gravel at another person?

I leave you with this thought: Treat all as you would treat Jesus, with love and consideration. Let nothing that others do to you alter your treatment of them.

~~Blessings, Lynn~~

Thursday, July 23


It is my privilege today to introduce you to, a great website for those girls in their teens and twenties, although many readers are older and an occasional male drops by. Lisa Colon and her sister-in-law run the site. I have been privileged to be a part of this ministry with a monthly column.

To give you a little background on the site, here’s an interview with Lisa…

*How did you get started in this ministry?

One day, my sister-in-law Doree and I were discussing an incident that involved a young girl who was drunk. She said that the girl was beautiful and seemed to be craving attention. Doree said that she wanted to hug the girl and encourage her.

Around this time, the news carried a story about a group of young girls that lured another teenage girl into a house and savagely beat her up. I was so disturbed by the images. I began to tell Doree to imagine a place where these girls could go to get godly advice and encouragement. Even if they decided to go against the advice, at least the seeds would be planted.

I had just learned how to create a blog and I suggested that we start one and reach out to girls on MySpace letting them know that we were there if they needed advice or encouragement. We named the ministry WeUsed2bu because the women of WeUsed2bu have something in common with these girls. At one time, we used to be where they are at today.

*Were there any events in your life that sparked your desire to reach out to other young women?

Yes…my life from age 13-24. It was really crazy! I should write a book. Lol..I will one day.

I used to be just like those girls. I was angry and violent, looking for a fight to vent my inner turmoil. I did not hear the Word of God because my parents were not Christians. I never received godly counsel from anyone until I was way into my destruction path. When I ended up in jail, I finally realized that I was not alone. I cried out to God and He changed me.

Then, the Lord allowed me to see that He would use this time to teach me. He allowed me to see that I had been consecrated to Him and that He had a plan for my life. He wanted to use me to teach other girls that He is with them and He is waiting on them to surrender to His will so that He can do great and mighty things through them.

*What are your concerns for these young girls? What would you like to tell them?

I want to help these young women so that they do not do what the old me did.

I am concerned that the world has them deceived. Their self image is all messed because they think that they have to look like Barbies or Bratz to be beautiful. They abuse their bodies to be thin.

I want to let these girls know that the peace that they long for and the joy that they seek are found in a true relationship with Jesus Christ. I want them to know that He is real and so are the consequences that result from their rebellious or selfish nature. I want them to know that God has a wonderful plan for their lives and that serving Him is full of excitement and reward.

We all have troubles too but we are not without hope. I want them to know that our hope is in Christ, that we are never alone, and that He gives peace in the middle of storm.

*Does prayer play a role in what you do?

Oh, yes! I would not be able to do what I do if it weren’t for prayer. I pray in the Spirit and I pray with my understanding. That is where my strength comes from.

*What are some of the main topics that concern these young women?

We will talk to them about whatever they want to talk about. Their questions are mainly about relationship problems. All different type of problems from finding out their boyfriend isn’t pure to having problems with the boyfriend’s ex-wife or “baby mama” as the girls say.

We talk about sex, drugs, addictions, cutting, suicide, masturbation, pornography, and so many other tough issues. The girls are happy that we are open to discuss these issues without judging them. Also, they seem encouraged to see that other people are struggling with these but are overcoming them through faith in Christ Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit.

These young girls are also obsessed with Twilight the vampire love story. We get a lot of opposition on this because we have chosen to unveil the lies about the movie.

We share own experiences and we always bring them to what the Word of God says on the subject.

*What dreams or visions has the Lord put on your heart for the future of WeUsed2bu?

We would love to publish a book of our questions and answers. We want to do it in a magazine style so it is more interesting with the colors and images. Part of the vision is to have conferences, ministry events, and maybe one day have a home for single mothers or young women trying to straighten out their lives.

We want to do whatever the Lord wants. If He will provide, then we will do whatever He asks us to do. This is His ministry not ours. We are just His handmaidens.

~~Amen, Lisa! Readers, if your heart has been touched, visit Lisa at I pray the Lord will lead you to help out in some way…prayer being the greatest gift!

Sunday, July 19


Welcome to my celebration! What am I celebrating? My first blog anniversary! So I guess it would be my First Blogaversary!

Where has the time gone? Here we are…one year later! I cannot believe it! I posted my first blogpost on July 20, 2008. This comes as my husband and I just celebrated our 43rd anniversary on July 15.

When one celebrates an anniversary, one usually looks back over the variety of events that have taken place over the years. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Well, for the blog, only a couple of times blipped the “bad and ugly” radar. The real bad and ugly happened behind the scenes as I tried to write!

I’ve shed tears of joy, and a little pain, and brain cells of thought. Writing is sometimes very difficult as I deal with the symptoms of fibromyalgia, which causes foggy thinking through impaired comprehension, difficulty in concentration, and temporary memory loss.

My first blogpost was Stepping Out in Faith, which said it all. (If you’d like to read it, you can click here. It was a huge leap for me. Questions plagued my mind, like…

* Who will read what I write?
* What the heck will I write about?
* How in the world will I keep this up?
* Will I write what is pleasing to the Lord?
* Will others want to come back to read again?
* How will I ever draw others into this little world of Heading Home?
* Will I write the things that will encourage others or touch a need in their lives?

Because of the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I always know there is at least special person, and sometimes more, for whom my words, or rather His words, are meant to minister.

Through my blog and other networks, the Lord has truly blessed me over the last year with countless, precious cyber-friends, all a part of God’s family.

So many of you have encouraged my heart, sometimes so beautifully that I have been overwhelmed and touched by your kind, caring, and encouraging words.

I want to thank each and every one of you, my readers and followers. You are very precious to me. I pray daily that the Lord will guide my heart, my mind, and my fingers to write the words that will be of benefit to you by touching your hearts in whatever you need.

In appreciation for your faithfulness in reading, I have a new give-away. I asked on Twitter what others would like in the way of a give-away and I got too many different answers. Therefore, I am making this the Winner’s Choice Give-away! It consists of $100 that can be received in one of these ways…

* 1 - $100 pre-paid card
* 1 - $100 gift card to one store of winner’s choice
* 2 - $50 gift cards to two stores of winner’s choice
* or divvied up in any configuration of winner’s choice

If you’d like to join in the celebration, please sign up in the comment box on the right close to the top of the sidebar.

I leave you with the verse on which I hang my life…“Did I not tell you and promise you that if you would believe and rely on Me, you would see the glory of God?” (John 11:40 Amp)

I pray a blessing of peace, provision, protection, and the presence of the Lord in all things for each of you.


Wednesday, July 15

A Quiet-time Conversation

I invite you to come sit in on a special, quiet-time conversation I had with the Lord. His words are for you also…

“The Lord is my Shepherd [to feed, guide, and shield me], I shall not lack. He makes me lie down in [fresh, tender] green pastures; He leads me beside the still and restful waters. He refreshes and restores my life…” Ps. 23:1-3a Amp

Oh, thank you, Lord, for loving me and herding me into your flock. I am your sheep, always awaiting the sound of my Shepherd’s voice, ready and willing to obey Your commands, and ever expectant for Your loving touch. May I always be found sitting lovingly at Your feet.

Father, You said that if I ask in Jesus’ Name, it will be done; if I am deficient, You will give liberally; if I call to You, You will answer me; if I listen to You, You will teach me; if I agree with another about anything we ask, according to Your will, it will be done; if I am powerless, You have all the power and authority I need; if I ask according to Your will, You hear and answer me; if I am anxious for nothing and ask with thanksgiving, You will guard my heart and mind with Your everlasting peace; but I must ask in faith, believing that I have received and that You give exceedingly abundantly, far beyond my highest desires, hopes and prayers, and that as I grow weary waiting upon You, You will give me new strength to wait Your time. Thank You that You love me so much.

“My dearest, I am working things out for you. I am always working things out. I never stop arranging and rearranging all the events of the days of your life. You are ever in My great care. All My plans have been worked out in heaven. They are all ready to be released at the appointed time. They await your readiness and your being available to be obedient to My Will – each and every moment.

You must arrive at the appointed place at the appropriate time in the condition that meets the answer. If you have not readied yourself and gotten into the proper position, you will not line up with the desired result, the answer that is best suited for you.

So pray diligently that you will be ever more obedient to My commands, that each day will bring you into alignment with My will, that I may open My doors of blessing for you in answer to your longings and desires. You must be in position to receive. Stand on the mark – and at the right time. This is the key of unlocking your storehouse. All My blessings await you.

Do you feel the excitement of those in the unseen? Keep that excitement alive in your heart and be anxious for nothing – except for having My will done.

Follow My leading and seek only My words. They will bring life, not only to you but also to others as well.

Your answers are very close. If you reach out, you can almost touch them. It is I, the Lord God Almighty, who will do these mighty things. Be ever expectant.

My Holy Spirit is given freely to you. Walk wisely that you may use your gifts only for Me. Be sure to give Me all the glory for the things that will surely come into your life. I love you truly.”

Lord, I give you all my praise and thanks. My heartbeat is to be one with You, in all things.

“I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul will exult in my God; for He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness…” Is. 61:10a Amp

“The Lord shall guide you continually and satisfy you in the draught and in dry places and make strong your bones. And you shall be like a watered garden and like a spring of water whose waters fail not.” Is. 58:11 Amp

May the Lord bless you with His presence and bless you in whatever you need!

~~Blessings, Lynn~~

Saturday, July 11

Poverty Came to Visit

Poverty kicked in my front door one day and made himself at home. He remained an unwelcome resident for many years. Embarrassment rode in on his coattail.

His friends heard of his new home and, like a troop of vultures, congregated in my living room, chasing away all my friends. He invited Depression and Tears to be his all too frequent guests. Hunger became his constant sidekick while Lack and Need acted as his devoted followers. Deprivation became a thorn in my side.

They all loved to laugh at me.

Have you ever felt like this? Have you ever had lack thrust upon you? Or have you ever overspent and gotten yourself into a mess? Has your job been threatened or lost?

As the economy has taken a nosedive, causing many to face unemployment, the chance of lack knocking on more doors has become increasingly feasible.

So, if job loss comes knocking on the door of one of our friends or neighbors, what do we do?

How do we, as Christians, treat that one whose life has been depleted of home, car, or other belongings? Are we supportive and encouraging? Are we sensitive to their feelings? Do we offer a helping hand? Or are we negative in our responses, ignoring them as if they were contagious?

Paul said, “Keep out of debt and owe no man anything, except to love one another.” (Rom. 13:8a Amp) If God is love, what is the essence of His love? Giving! So, if our hearts are filled with the love of God, we will desire to supply the needs of others, to imitate Him, in whatever way we can.

Giving brings a reward.

Solomon wrote, “He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and He will reward him for what he has done.” (Prov. 19:17 NIV)

When Jesus instructed the multitude on the mount, He said, “Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.” (Luke 6:38 NKJV) This scripture is not restricted to money; it encompasses all of life. In whatever way you give, it will come back to bless you. However, we do not give to get.

What can you do to help someone experiencing financial difficulties? If you cannot afford a monetary gift, why not give the gift of your time? Here are a few suggestions…

* Leave groceries on a widow’s doorstep.
* Pay for an elderly person’s medicine at the drugstore.
* Baby-sit for the couple who are working multiple jobs.
* Pay for the gas of one whose car is held together with bumper stickers.
* Make a mortgage or rent payment for a struggling, single mother or father.
* Buy Christmas presents for a battered wife and her children living in a shelter.
* Write a note or letter of encouragement and tell them you’ll be praying for them.
* When you are shopping at the mall, pay for the shoes of a teenager of a different race.
* Buy gift certificates or pre-paid credit cards and give them to whomever the Spirit leads.
* Pay for the meal of those in the car behind you in a drive-through restaurant and maybe put a note with it.
* The next time you are in line at the grocery, pay the bill for the woman with a baby on her hip and food stamps in her hand.
* Use your imagination. Better still, listen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit; He will tell you who needs a word of encouragement or gift.

What else can you do to help others?
If you have any suggestions of things you have done or of thoughts you might have, please share them.

~Lord, may I not hinder meeting the need of anyone by mismanaging the funds you allow in my life. Nudge me however sharply is necessary to get my attention that I might do what I can to help someone in need. As I give out, replenish my lack that I might supply others’ needs once again. Amen~

~~Blessings, Lynn~~

Tuesday, July 7

If You Were a Pair of Shoes...

(This is something just for fun. Or is it?)

The other day, I began wondering about shoes. If you’re a woman, other than which pair to wear each day, you’ve probably thought about shoes when you need a new pair or you saw that really cute pair in the store window and had to have them.

Or if you’re a man, you don’t give much thought to your shoes except when you have a hole in the sole of your shoe and you step in a puddle!

Or maybe you think about shoes when the ones you’re wearing start pinching your feet. If they’re comfortable, you don’t give them much thought.

Shoes come in all different shapes, sizes, colors, materials, prices, and purposes. Some are…

* clunky
* spikey
* rubber-soled
* dressy
* casual

I’m going to ask you some questions, so answer honestly. If you were a pair of shoes, what kind would you be? Pick one.

* baby shoes
* ballet shoes
* dressy spiked heels
* casual flats or loafers
* sandals or thongs
* clunky platforms
* boots, any kind
* recreational
* dressy men’s shoes

Each has their own personality. If applied to your personality…

…baby shoes: you are still young, immature.
…ballet shoes: you dance through life, no cares.
…dressy spiked heels: you try to squeeze into what’s fashionable.
…casual flats or loafers: you are easy-going, take things as they come.
…sandals or thongs: you have no cares, doing whatever comes naturally.
…clunky platforms: you try to build yourself up, comparing yourself with others in order to fit in.
…boots: you are covered, protected, a hard worker.
…recreational shoes: you are on the go or always at play, outgoing.
…dressy men’s shoes: you are mature and handle responsibilities well.

So, what’s your overall appearance or characteristic as a pair of shoes? Pick one of each pair.

* new or worn
* soft-soled or hard-soled
* polished to perfection or dirty/muddy

Now, let’s put it all together and apply it to your spiritual life. If you are a pair of…

…baby shoes: you are a newbie to the Christian life, taking tiny baby steps.
…ballet shoes: you are the one always dancing in praise to the Lord.
…dressy spiked heels: you are uptight, squeezing into someone else’s idea of what a Christian should be.
…casual flats or loafers: you are comfortable being a Christian.
…sandals or thongs: you are open to all “spiritual” things, accepting even those things outside the realm of the Word, such as all paths lead to God.
…clunky platforms: you try to elevate yourself in the eyes of others to show your spirituality, to look like them.
…boots: you are fully protected from the elements, ready to go to work or march for the Lord at a moment’s notice, wherever He may send you.
…recreational shoes: you are more sports-minded than spiritual-minded, spending more time with sports than with the Lord. Your game is on your mind while sitting in the pew on Sunday morning.
…dressy men’s shoes: you have an important role in the church and willing to serve.

Now, which one are you? Be honest!

So, what do you look like as a pair of shoes? Pick one of each pair.

* new or worn
* soft-soled or hard-soled
* polished to perfection or dusty/muddy

If you chose…

…new: you haven’t stepped into God’s service or purpose yet.
…worn: you are “well-heeled,” as they say, having served for a while.
…soft-soled: you are soft, easy-going, comfortable in speaking to unbelievers about Christ.
…hard-soled: you are rigid, stiff, uncomfortable in reaching out to others, if at all.
…polished to perfection: you are perfect, having a holier-than-thou attitude.
…dusty/muddy: you are serving others where they are, where they hurt, even if it means getting a little dirty.

Here’s my answer…Sometimes, I’m a pair of casual flats, soft-soled, worn, and dirty. Sometimes, I change and am a pair of boots, soft-soled, worn, dirty, and ready for work. Sometimes, I’m a pair of ballet shoes, dancing in joy to the Lord. Sometimes, I even feel like a pair of baby shoes.

But whatever I am, I want to be that pair that Jesus slips into easily, the pair sitting beside Him, ready to be walked out in service.

Okay, so, what are you? Which shoe personality are you? In which shoe are you most comfortable? How do you walk out your Christianity? Did your first answer change from your last one?

Maybe I’ve made you think about shoes, your life, and your spiritual life. I hope so. And just maybe, you will never think about shoes in the same way again!

~~Blessings, Lynn~~

Monday, July 6

Guest poster: Camy Tang

Today, it is my pleasure to have as my guest Camy Tang, author of Deadly Intent.

Camy’s bio says…

Camy Tang writes romance with a kick of wasabi. She used to be a biologist, but now she is a staff worker for her church youth group and leads a worship team for Sunday service. She also runs the Story Sensei fiction critique service. On her blog, she gives away Christian novels every week, and she ponders frivolous things like dumb dogs (namely, hers), coffee-geek husbands (no resemblance to her own...), the writing journey, Asiana, and anything else that comes to mind. Visit her website at for a huge website contest going on right now, giving away fourteen boxes of books and 30 copies of her latest release, DEADLY INTENT.

The back cover of DEADLY INTENT says…


The Grant family’s exclusive Sonoma spa is a place for rest and relaxation—not murder! Then Naomi Grant finds her client Jessica Ortiz bleeding to death in her massage room, and everything falls apart. The salon’s reputation is at stake...and so is Naomi’s freedom when she discovers that she is one of the main suspects! Her only solace is found with the other suspect—Dr. Devon Knightley, the victim’s ex-husband. But Devon is hiding secrets of his own. When they come to light, where can Naomi turn...and whom can she trust?

What makes a satisfying romantic suspense?

Now, before I even start blabbing, I want to clarify that these are just my own criteria for satisfying romantic suspense novels. I’d also like to hear your own opinions, so chime in!

I read very widely, but I have to admit romantic suspense holds a special place on my reading shelf. It combines two genres I like so I get a two-for-one deal when I read a romantic suspense novel.

I will always love romance novels—they guarantee a happily ever after that I absolutely NEED to have when I read a book for entertainment or escape.

In college, I had a few friends who looked down on me for reading romance novels—probably they thought it was “unchristian” or at the very least, frivolous. At the time, they made me feel guilty for enjoying genre romance books, but now, I revel in my reading choice.

Romance novels rock! They’re uplifting—especially Christian romances—and they have a wonderful ending that leaves me happy and satisfied. Why would I trade a romance novel for a dry theological tome or a depressing literary novel that only makes me feel sad?

I also love suspense because of the action and adventure. I love how most suspense heroines are strong and capable, just like how I’d like to be strong and capable. I guess I live vicariously through their perilous stories. I enjoy their triumph over evil—it reaffirms my own desire for justice, even though I don’t see justice all the time in real life.

So a romantic suspense is a combination of two fantastic genres—I get the action and adventure, but I also get the happily ever after ending. To me, that is a formula for a satisfying read.

How about you? What makes for a satisfying romantic suspense novel for you?

Thanks for having me here, Lynn!

Camy's book can be purchased through Christianbooks and Amazon

You can catch Camy at her site…

~~Thanks, Camy! May your book do well!~~

Friday, July 3


As I worked on what would be my next post, for some reason, which I’m sure was the Lord, a detour sign raised up and lead my thoughts to birthdays. Not only is it our country’s birthday on July 4, but it is my birthday on July 5.

My birthday, I can forget. Our country’s birthday, I cannot forget.

I thought about…
celebrating our country’s birth day. I know there will be numerous blog posts for this occasion, but, as I thought back over the years, great memories came flooding back.

I thought about…
when my parents were alive. They belonged to several groups of friends, but one group in particular had been friends since before World War II began. Most of the men joined some branch of the services. My dad joined the Navy and that is where he met my mother. Dad played the trombone for the Navy band and Mom was a secretary.

This group of friends always gathered for special occasions and July 4th was no exception. After several years of it being held at different homes, it finally settled on my parents to hold the celebration at their home.

This was usually a huge gathering of families with some having four generations attend. My mother loved to go all out with the decorations for the tables. Red and white checked tablecloths, blue napkins, flags, flowers…everything red, white, and blue. One of the men, whose birthday was on the 4th, always shared a large cake with me. He’s no longer with us either.

I thought about…
the year this country celebrated the great bicentennial and watching on the television the awesome festivities, which included an international fleet of tall ships in New York City’s harbor and the beautiful array of fireworks over the Statue of Liberty.

A wave of patriotism and nostalgia swept over the nation. People decorated practically everything from the front doors of their homes or businesses to their mailboxes and even fire hydrants.

Flags hung everywhere or were painted on. Trains were painted in stripes of red, white, and blue. NASA painted the flag and the bicentennial symbol on the side of its vehicle assembly building.

Commercial products by the score displayed packaging of red, white, and blue. Many paid a fee to use the trademarked bicentennial star. Some the TV coverage lasted for fourteen hours. Disney went all out, even changing the theme of their nighttime parade.

I remember all the celebration but I don’t remember the stories of the pilgrims, the ones who started it all. If there were stories, they didn’t stick in my memory.

So, I thought about…
the reason that the pilgrims embarked on such a dangerous journey to leave their home to settle in some strange land.

The pilgrims were a religious group who left England as they had been persecuted by the Church of England. As they were about to set sail for Holland, John Robinson, as the pastor of their church who was staying behind, preached before they left on Ezra 8:21. Ezra 8:21-22 says, “When I declared a fast while we were at the Ahava River so that we would humble ourselves before our God; and we prayed that He would give us a good journey and protect us, our children, and our goods as we traveled.” (TLB)

As they also found their religious liberty curtailed in Holland, they decided to go back to England and set out for a New England. They left Plymouth, England, on September 6, 1620, sailing for a new world of promise.

Aboard ship, they found that the sailors resented their daily prayers, hymns, and scripture reading sessions, but, in the end, the sailors admitted that the pilgrims were strong and brave.

When they disembarked and stepped on shore at Plymouth Rock, they knelt in prayer and held a prayer service. Prayer was the basis for all they had done and all they would do.

I then thought about…
those prayers of the pilgrims that undergirded the foundation of this nation and brought about the reason for celebrating Independence Day.

I thought about…
those precious souls who put their lives on the line for this country that we might enjoy the freedoms and privileges that we do. God bless all of you!

I thought about…
the great freedom of religion this country has enjoyed through the efforts and courage of those 102 people. However, are our rights and privileges as Christians in this nation being eroded? Have prayers for this country ceased?

I thought about…
praying as the first settlers did. Do we bend our knees for our country? Do we pray for our President and all who are in authority? Do we pray as Paul instructed Timothy, “Pray much for others; plead for God’s mercy upon them; give thanks for all He is going to do for them. Pray in this way for kings and all others who are in authority over us, or are in places of high responsibility, so that we can live in peace and quietness, spending our time in godly living and thinking much about the Lord” (1 Tim 2:1-2 TLB)?

My last thought… I would like to challenge all of you to give some serious thought as to the prayers you are offering, or not offering, for this country and its leaders. Is there any room for improvement? What would happen if we all became better knee-benders for the country we say we love?

Happy Birthday, USA!

~~Happy Independence Day, everyone!~~