Thursday, October 2

Taken Aside for a Purpose

“He took him aside, away from the crowd.”
(Mark 7:33a NIV)

Taken aside…In 1666, John Bunyan was imprisoned for unlicensed preaching. What came out of that dark, damp Bedford jail in England? Out of his captivity came Bunyan’s Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners and the most famous of all Christian allegories Pilgrim’s Progress.

Taken aside…Out of years of service in Japan and China, as a missionary in the early 1900s, and out of the imprisonment of her husband’s sickness and subsequent death, came Mrs. Charles E. Cowman’s beautiful, classic devotional Streams in the Desert.

Taken aside…Catherine Marshall, at the age of 33, suffered two years of physical imprisonment with a life-threatening bout of tuberculosis. When her husband Peter died, she took care of their nine-year-old son Peter, Jr. Out of her suffering, she authored over 20 books, among them the well-loved Christy.

Taken aside…Paul, imprisoned. The most fruitful period of his ministry. What did he do? He praised God as a prisoner, not of disease or circumstance, but as a prisoner of the Lord. Out of those times came his letters of encouragement to the churches, giving untold generations the books of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon, and possibly Hebrews.

Have you been taken aside by some life-shattering circumstance? Do you trust that God will be with you through it and use whatever imprisonment you might be suffering for the benefit of others?

~~Blessings, Lynn~~
9 Responses
  1. Beautiful post. May God set us all aside for his purpose.


    Check out

  2. Lorrie Says:

    Very touching Lynn. To God be all the glory!!!
    I really enjoy reading your posts :)

  3. lynnmosher Says:

    Red Letter Believers, Thank you so much and amen! Be blessed...

  4. lynnmosher Says:

    Hey, sweet Lorrie! Thank you for your comment. You make my heart glad. I'm glad you enjoy reading what the Lord places on my heart. Be blessed, dear one!

  5. lynnmosher Says:

    Cami, Somehow I knew that it would! Be blessed in your purpose...

  6. Tina Says:

    Lynn, thank you for your beautiful post. I doubt that many of us would volunteer for imprisonment, but your testimony and the testimony of others who have been taken aside offer great hope and encouragement to endure and pray that God will use our time for His reasons in His seasons. I love your blog, but I never get the updates in my email. :(

  7. lynnmosher Says:

    Thank you, Tina, for your sweet comment. My heart appreciates it. I will see about getting you the updates. I switched services.

  8. Thank you for your encouraging post! It helped me refocus my perspective on what's REALLY happening in my life.


  9. Ernest Says:


    Beautiful post - it makes you think hard about those times, which you thought were tough and you would never get through! Inspirational to know that others have risen above suffering to do so much.

    If only we had their courage and perseverence, the world would be a beter placen