Wednesday, June 22

(Recently, Stephanie Shott asked me to be a guest poster on her blog. This is the post that I share with you today. I hope you will hop over and visit her wonderful blog.)
From the opening pages of the Bible, God relates to His people in a closeness of companionship so intimate that He compares it to a marriage relationship, as He said to Israel, “For your Maker is your Husband.” (Isa. 54:5a Amp)
In the closing pages, this relationship remains paramount, for the Father sent His Son as the heavenly Bridegroom to woo the heart of the perfect Bride into holy oneness with Him. The chosen companion suited for the heavenly Bridegroom as Peter says, “for you have been chosen by God Himself…you are holy and pure, you are God’s very own.” (1 Peter 2:9 TLB)
The Bride’s Preparation
In the ancient, Hebrew betrothal tradition, the groom departed from his bride-to-be to build the couple’s new home, which took approximately one year. During this time, the bride prepared her bridal necessities and equipped herself for her new life. All her wedding finery had to be ready at a moment’s notice, for she never knew when her bridegroom would come to snatch her away.
When the time came, the bride wanted not only to look her very best for the one she loved but also to be the very best for him, to be a good reflection on his name and his character. You see, the betrothed couple was considered married, yet they were not allowed to live together. Therefore, her behavior reflected on him.
How is Christ’s Bride living?
How is the Bride of Christ spending Her time while waiting for Her Beloved Bridegroom to snatch Her away? Is She preparing those things necessary for Her nuptials?
Does She love Him with all Her heart and soul, or does She entertain other loves? Is She doing the things the Holy Spirit leads Her to do? Is She studying the Word? Does She rearrange Her schedule to make prayer time a priority? Is She a good reflection on Her Beloved’s Name and character? Just what exactly is She doing to make Herself ready?
How does She look? How is She dressed?
Would a bride go to her wedding naked? Would you consider her appropriately dressed for her grand day of aisle-walking if her beautiful, bridal gown was covered in mud or big blotches of stains? Would she want to greet her beloved in that condition? No, of course not! A bride is immaculately dressed in her pristine, wedding attire, looking her absolute best for her bridegroom on their wedding day.
Likewise, is the Bride of Christ dressed in her pristine, bridal finery and ready for Her day of divine marriage? Or is Her garment dirtied with the stains of the world? Things like doubt, worry, unforgiveness, complaining, judging, gossip, lying, adultery, pride, impure thoughts, busyness, internet porn, other addictions, or anything else that grieves the Holy Spirit?
Have these mud-slings diverted Her focus from Her Bridegroom? Has She forgotten that Her behavior reflects on His Name and character?
Jesus asks His Bride, “Do you love Me more than these?” (John 21:15 NKJV)
James tells us of the one who remains true to Her Beloved, “The Christian who is pure and without fault, from God the Father’s point of view, is the one who...remains true to the Lord-not soiled and dirtied by his contacts with the world.” (James 1:27 TLB)
Is the Bride ready?
Is Christ’s Bride ready for Her day of snatching away? When the heavenly Bridegroom arrives, will He find us with a mopey face, hair covered in the ashes of doubt and worry, breath smelling of negative words, and dressed in a ratty, old rag of self-pity, ripped and spotted with worldly residue?
Or will He find us as “a bride beautifully dressed for her husband” (Rev. 21:2 NIV), adorned with a smile on Her face, joy in Her heart, songs of praise on Her lips, and be dressed in a pure, spotless gown of holiness?
Oh, sweet believers, may our lives be so holy and our readiness so complete that we shall have no sorrow when the Bridegroom comes calling for us, His beloved Bride.
“Behold, the bridegroom cometh!” (Matt. 25:6b KJV)
Are you ready?

I'm ready but not dressed my very best. Thank you for this reminder and encouragement to be ready for Christ.
LOL Shanda, I think you've stated something common to all of us! Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. I really appreciate. Blessings to you!
I am ready but always wonder if I am dressed enough. We need these reminders to Be Ready!
Hey, sweet Kimmy! Thanks so much for your comment. Always love having you visit! Bless you!
Very sweet and thought provoking, Lynn. So my question is: can we be overdressed? Probably not--think of an Indian wedding. There simply is not enough gold and sparkles, the bride even decorates the bottoms of her feet. Now that's an image to reflect upon. Thanks, Lynn! Ya got us thinkin'.
what a wonderful post sweet Lynn. I'm ready.Hoping your weekend is a sweet one. Thinking of you and sending ♥
Wow, I loved this. Such a beautiful post. It definitely gave me a lot of food for thought.
In Him,
Carol, thank you so much for your sweet comment. Great thought! I deeply appreciate your visit. Bless you!
Thank you, Katie-kins! You are so sweet to visit. I love having you here! Blessings to you!
Thank you so much, Debra! You've blessed me and made my hear very happy! Bless you!
Great post Lynn! We'd all better inspect our gowns and hearts more often as we hear the hoof beats of the Groom's horse fast approaching! Great reminder - bless you! :)
When I read this and am reminded of the story - I think of the anticipation, the hope, the excitement. I remember my wedding day - and all those days leading up to it. The ENERGY - the heart overflowing with love, working hard to prepare everything - and being soooooo focused. Yes - I want to anticipate spending time with God like that. My challenge (throwing this out to you Lynn) and how to bring together that Father relationship and Bridegroom relationship. They are two different ways of communicating, two different ways of viewing that relationship. How to merge the view of the Father and the Bridegroom - you might think this is silly - it leaves me in a befuddlement!
Deborah, you are so right! Thanks so much for stopping by! Bless you!
Maryleigh, it is confusing sometimes, isn't it? And no, it isn't silly. For me, I keep them separate. It's easier for me. I don't know if that helps or not. Blessings to you, sweetie!
A very well written and beautiful post! I am trying to be dressed in my best for Him..thanks for the encouragement.
Thank you so much, April, for your kind words. I deeply appreciate your visiting. Makes my heart happy! Blessings to you!
I would hope if today was the day, as I am still working through the aftershocks of child abuse and rape, that Jesus would find me already in His arms, and would not care if I was in my comfy flannels... ;0)
Oh, Teri Lynn, my heart goes out to you. I have met so many in cyberspace that have suffered the same abuse as you. Just breaks my heart. And I know that those sweet, comfy flannels make for an awesome come-as-you-are, midnight snatching away! May the Lord bless you with comfort.
I too am ready, but He will have to take me as I am!
I love reading your posts sweet Lynn!
Hello, Jackie-girl! You're so sweet to pay me a visit! I love hearing from you. Thank you so much! Bless you!