Monday, June 27

She likes to stay very near us, practically clinging to our feet when one of us goes into another room, even the bathroom.
Sydney is a good dog, actually very obedient. She does drive me nuts sometimes by trying to outsmart me and see if she can get a treat, acting like she wants to go out. Sometimes, she wants out just to come back in for a treat. You see, we give her a treat if she doesn’t bark. She doesn’t always get one!
But she has one bad habit...
...she loves to get in the garbage and tear up used tissues! I don’t think she eats them, just tears them up.
If we point to the tissues and ask her, “What’s this, Sydney?” or “Who did this?” we get a hilarious response...
...she turns her head to ignore her wrongdoing. She’ll turn completely around and look in the opposite direction, as if to say, “Who me? I don’t see anything!”
Oh, my! Don’t we behave the same way with God?
Obedient, yet sometimes, when the Lord points out some bad habit or wrongdoing, we turn the other way as if to say, “Who me? I didn’t do anything!”
Because David desired to be rid of those sins prowling around in his heart that might escape his attention, he said to God, “But how can I ever know what sins are lurking in my heart? Cleanse me from these hidden faults.” (Ps. 19:12 TLB)
Do we recognize our wrongdoing?
After committing a sin, are we in anguish only that we got caught and now have to face the consequences or that we have wounded the heart of the Father?
Do we even blush? God said of the Israelites to Jeremiah, “Are they ashamed when they do these disgusting things? No, not at all—they don’t even blush!” (Jer. 6:15 NLT)
Do we say to the Father, “I am deeply sorry for what I have done” (Ps. 38:18 NLT)?
So, how long does it take you to confess a sin? Thirty seconds? Thirty minutes? Thirty days? Or thirty years? The moment you know you have done something against God’s Word, do you confess it only to rush out the door to do it again? Where is repentance?
The proof of the pudding, so to speak, of repentance is, as Jesus said to the Pharisees, to “Bring forth fruit that is consistent with repentance [let your lives prove your change of heart].” (Matt. 3:8 Amp)
Removal of Sin
It is by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross that “we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.” (Eph. 1:7a NKJV)
When God forgives our sins, He removes them “as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us,” (Ps. 103:12 NKJV) tossing them “into the depths of the ocean,” (Micah 7:19b TLB) never to emerge.
He forgives and forgets our sins. The only memory of them is in our own minds, not God’s! God dumps our sins into the great abyss but we’re the ones with the fishing poles!
After we succumb to one of the enemy’s pretty packages of temptation, what is the aftermath? What do we forfeit? Our peace, our joy, our relationships with others, answers to our prayers, and even our fellowship with the Lord.
Consequences are attached to sin. God does not wave a magic wand over our sins to make the repercussions disappear. However, as Jesus took the punishment of sin for us, Paul said, “Where sin abounded, grace abounded much more.” (Rom 5:20 NKJV)
Restoration Afterwards
God gives us a sure-fire-get-back-into-fellowship guarantee, “And since we have been made right in God’s sight by the blood of Christ, He will certainly save us from God’s condemnation.” (Rom. 5:9 NLT)
Pursuing our own ways takes us on a detour away from Home. However, the Father always anxiously watches for our return and welcomes us back with open arms.
Rejoicing in Restoration
Isaiah said in the Old Testament, “I am overwhelmed with joy in the LORD my God! For He has dressed me with the clothing of salvation and draped me in a robe of righteousness.” (Is. 61:10 NLT)
Because of Jesus’ sacrifice for the forgiveness and cleansing of our sins, we rejoice and are able to say, “Thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory [making us conquerors] through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Cor. 15:57 Amp) Amen!
Are you ignoring your sin or are you happy dancing in the victory of your forgiveness and restoration?

**This is part of Peter Pollock's One Word at a Time Blog Carnival

This is so good, Lynn! Repentence can be a sticky issue for Christians because if they're not ready to turn from their behavior, they feel guily repenting! But when we go ahead and repent, it feels so right! The analogy of your dog that you used is so good. I could literally see it!
Thanks for blessing me as usual, with your writing!
You are such a sweetheart! Thank you so much for your kind comment. Blessings to you!
This is such a great reminder. Those robes of salvation look good on us!
Your lil pup reminds me of my 2 y/o baby girl. I love her sneaky ways!
I love how you broke your lesson down to make it easier to learn. You are such a great Bible teacher!
What a smart dog.
What a perfect example.
What perfect lessons.
Carol, thanks so much for stopping by. I deeply appreciate your comment. Blessings!
Alisa, I'm in tears. I think that's one of the most touching things anyone has ever said to me! Thank you so much for your kind words. Bless you!
LOL Yes, Sandra, she is a smart dog! Very sneaky! Thanks so much for stopping by. I always love to hear from you! Blessings to you!
The lessons that a dog can give us! We do say, who me? Let God take care of us.
You have a very smart dog.
And yes, sometimes I also have a hard time looking at what I've done.
Oh I indeed know that look - and now I wonder if God sees it on my face too...
great post and thoughts to ponder
perhaps this is the reason we are called "children" of God... lol this is an incredibly thought-provoking and convicting (in a good way)post. i've noted all the Scripture references so i can "marinate" on it and go back through the message and ask God for His words to me as i work through these Scriptures on my own.
LOL Yeah, the animal kingdom, especially dogs, certainly train their masters well, don't they? Thanks so much for commenting. Love your visits! Blessings!
Hey, Helen! Yes, she is very smart! We do like to turn the other way as well, don't we? Thanks so much for commenting. Great to *see* you! Be blessed!
HisFirefly, thank you, sweetie, for visiting and leaving your kind comment. I appreciate it! Blessings to you!
LOL Teri Lynn, I think you're right! Thank you so much for your comment. You have truly blessed me. You are deeply appreciated! Bless you!
Oh, yes, so much like Sydney at times! Thanks for your excellent post, Lynn, and for pointing us in the right direction. Hoping to do more happy dancing and less ignoring!
Hey, dear Connie! Hope all is well with you. Haven't seen you much lately. Thanks so much for stopping by. Love your visits! Blessings to you!
Great lessons we learn from our dogs!! I ask ours, "Did you do this?" and they wonder who I am speaking to! Just like your illustration about how we act when God points out something to us that needs attending to.
Love the dog story, love even more the sound doctrine. "We're the ones with the fishin' poles." Gotta' get rid of that thing. Glad I stopped by, worth the trip and then some. Thanks.
LOL Joyful, they are silly sometimes, aren't they? Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting. Makes my heart happy. Blessings to you!
Wow! Thank you so much, Floyd! You made my day! I deeply appreciate your visit! Blessings to you!