Wednesday, September 17

No Power Doesn't Mean No Power!

No power…no lights, no TV, no internet, no computer, no radio, no hair dryer, no microwave, no stove, no garage door opener, no dishwasher, no washer and dryer, no refrigerator.

Two and a half days without electrical power. It disappeared back from whence it came.

We got whipped with Ike’s tail, an F1 storm without the rain. Trees down everywhere. Hundreds of thousands of people without power.

I’m up early, at least, I think it’s early. All the clocks are black. I have to find my watch.
The quiet is deafening.

The only sounds I hear are an occasional truck, the scampering of squirrel feet across the patio as they run beneath the open family room window, and birds? Nope. No birds chirping. Where did they go? Did the hurricane-force wind blow them all to Ohio?

Ah, finally the twittering begins. And now the distant sound of chain saws cutting through the fallen debris.

Today, my quiet time is truly that…quiet! With the lack of power comes stillness. However, the lack of power doesn’t mean I lack Power. The world sees strength in action; in the Kingdom, strength lies in quietness.

The Word says In Isaiah 30:15b NKJV, “In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.” The Hebrew word for ‘strength’ also means victory and power. Victory and Power flow from the Lord as I absorb them from His Presence in quietness and confidence.

No power doesn’t mean no Power! Quiet…stillness…Power.
8 Responses
  1. Alan Says:

    Funny that we recognize how valuable silence and solitude are, but ..... we rarely seem to choose them.

  2. lynnmosher Says:

    Hey, Prof! You are absolutely right! We so enjoyed the quiet and no power, as an adventure, we're thinking of taking one day every so often to go without power...that is, if the weather is not too extreme! Thanks so much for taking time to read this and comment. I appreciate it. Be blessed...

  3. Good point Lynn, remember that story where Elijah was looking for God in the wind, in the earthquake and in the fire, but He wasn't there? There was a soft whisper of a voice, that's where God was! Sometimes we are forced to listen to the silence.

  4. lynnmosher Says:

    Ooooo...good thought, Marja! Thanks for the comment! I appreciate it. Big hug...Lynn

  5. Anonymous Says:

    No power sure makes room for the All-Powerful!

    BTW, would you have noticed the scampering of squirrels' feet if your electricity were on? I've heard sounds I couldn't hear before with the whir and hum of appliances that otherwise serve as white noise.

  6. Keith Wallis Says:

    Silence is like real darkness - where there's no light pollution -you can see the stars that always shine but which are usually not visible. So it is when we allow enough quiet for the 'still small voice' to be audible.
    Glad you weathered the storm.

  7. lynnmosher Says:

    Sorry, Linda. I thought I answered you but I see I didn't. You are absolutely right. All those sounds become so very obvious in the quiet. Thanks! Be blessed...

  8. lynnmosher Says:

    Wow, Keith! How fun to keep "bumping" into you! It is so true what you have said, light only shines in the dark (the stars shining are a great example) and a quiet voice can only be heard in stillness. Thanks for reading and commenting! Be blessed...