Monday, August 15

With this post, I’m taking part in In Other Words of the site Writing Canvas, which is hosted today by Debbie on her blog Heart Choices. Here is the quote used for this post...
Oh, to be in the audience of the King of heaven and earth! To be in His presence to worship Him!
Do you cringe or smile when you think of sitting at the feet of the Creator of the universe?
Where do you go when your heart is aching, when the world comes crashing down on your shoulders, when storms hit and there isn’t much you can do? Do you immediately seek the advice of a friend, or do you seek the Best Friend of all?
If you seek the feet of Jesus, what will you find?
*at His feet... are received, never rejected
*at His feet... are renewed
*at His feet... are respected
*at His feet... are reassured
*at His feet... are rejoiced over
*at His feet... realize His forgiveness
*at His feet... are rewarded with His presence
*at His feet... reap more than you can imagine
*at His feet... receive comfort in your pain and sorrow, peace in your unrest, provisions for your lack, and all the other answers to your prayers.
Are we willing to lay it all down at His feet? Will we be as the rich young ruler or as Abraham? Will we leave all our burdens with Him or pick them back up again?
When we sit at the feet of Jesus, do we...
*...praise Him for Who He is?
*...sit silently at His feet, just to be near Him?
*...tell Him of our unreserved confidence in Him that He will always fulfill His promises?
*...tell Him of our tender love for Him or continually question Him as to why things are happening?
*...follow after Him seeking something from Him as the multitudes did, or do we lean upon His breast as John the beloved did, just to be near Him?
*...sit at His feet to serve Him in worship by pouring out our thanks and our tears of joy as precious, fragrant oil upon His feet as the woman who came while Jesus reclined at the table?
Have we limped in our obedience to God? Staggered in our love? Halted in our service? Ceased our worship of Him in order to prostrate ourselves at the feet of something else?
Lots of questions to ponder, aren’t there?
The Still Small Voice has no destination if there is no listening ear! It only costs us our time to listen but it costs us our quality of life not to listen!
Those drawing near to the Redeemer’s feet will find His grace, acceptance, and sufficiency for their needs. Never turning us away, He will always accept us, just as we are.
~~Lord, may I sit adoringly at Your precious feet just to be near You, to seek Your Presence rather than Your hand.~~

Having been in His presence in a vision, I can tell you there is not a better place to be. You are so right. There is no condemnation, only unconditional love. I wanted to stay in His embrace forever. Yes, I would throw myself at His feet, and do, for any reason. Sometimes just to be near Him. Great post, Lynn. Great questions as well.
Boy, are you quick! LOL You are such a sweet friend to comment. I can only imagine your vision. How awesome! I don't doubt you wanted to stay in His embrace forever. Thanks so much, sweetie! Bless you!
This is thought provoking, Lynn. Sometimes I sit at His feet; sometimes I lie prostrate; sometimes I sit next to Him; sometimes we dance; sometimes--I'm sorry to say--I stand in the corner by myself. I need to remember to set my personal pillow on the floor in adoration more often.
What great thoughts, Carol! And I totally understand. Thank you so much! Blessings to you!
Amen! Such a beautiful post, Lynn. Oh how I adore sitting at God's feet, immersed in His love and enveloped by His tender care. Oh what a blessing that we can come to the King of Kings!
Hugs, love, and bunches of blessings!
I love the list of what we receive at His feet!
Oh Lynn, thank you for joining in this week. I'm so glad you wrote on this one. Sitting at His feet is the only place I want to be each morning. I don't think I'd be able to get through all I've been through in the last few years without Him.
Thank you for reminding me of how welcome we are at His feet too.
Much love to you,
PS. My link is up on Heart Choices.
Oh, thank you so much, Lisa! Immersed and enveloped...yes! Amen! Bless you, dear one!
Hey, Kim! Thanks so much, sweetie, for stopping by and commenting. I wanted to add more to the list but I was afraid it was going to get too long! We have so much in Him. Blessings to you!
So happy to join in this time and that you were the hostess. Thanks so much, sweetie! Bless you!
Many bright blessings, this post was truly a wonderful read. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you so much, Mystic Mom. I'm honored you visited and I appreciate your comment. Blessings to you!
Ohhh this is beautifully written . . .
The first one touched my heart in awe . . . kinda along what I wrote tonight and assured my daughter . . . and the assurance I need from my childhood.
at His feet... are received, never rejected
Thank you for sharing!
I enjoyed visiting your Blog and so love this post as well as the visuals it conveys to my mind and heart. I love the quote by Nancy Leigh Demoss inclusion - that was a wonderful study! Look forward to visiting again. In His Grace, Dawn
Well said, I really enjoyed your post today. Thanks sor sharing.
Just the encouragement I needed this morning. Being at Jesus's feet is such a gift that we should never take it for granted but run to be there because of all He has done for us....
Your post today is beautiful and it has been a real blessing to me.....
"The Still Small Voice has no destination if there is no listening ear!" I like that Lynn. Great post!
Great post, Lynn. No better place to be then at his feet.
The picture that you posted with words of encouragement is beautiful. To be at the feet of Jesus, King of the Universe . . .
Everyday He waits for us.
Thank-you for stopping by my blog.
Beautiful Lynn - I'll just sit at His feet and stare at his wounds, knowing they were for me. Like the little lamb gazing up into its shepherd's eyes, I want to sit at His feet and behold His loving gaze.
How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news - even our Lord Jesus!
Great encouragement in your post Lynn. Such unconditional love for us.
Aw, thank you so much, Loni, for such a nice comment. I appreciate your visit. Blessings to you!
Dawn, thank you so much for stopping by. I'm honored to have you visit. I appreciate your kind comment. Blessings to you!
Thank you, Karen, for commenting. Makes my heart happy! Bless you!
Nancy, I'm so glad this encouraged you today. You're right...being at His feet should never be taken for granted. Saying a prayer for you! Blessings to you!
Thanks so much, Marja! So glad you liked it! You always make me happy with your comments! Bless you!
Hey, Sheila! So glad to see you here! Thanks so much for visiting and commenting. Always makes me happy to see you! Bless you!
Carol, I'm so glad you found my post encouraging. Thanks for stopping by and you're welcome! Blessings to you!
Oh, thank you, dear Deborah! Ahhh! Yes. To sit and gaze into His eyes. I so appreciate your kind words. Bless you!
I love the way you list what we find at His feet and how we should respond. Your post brings to mind "Be still and know that I am God."
Tami, thank you so much for visiting and commenting. I appreciate it. Bless you!
I admire your wisdom, Lynn. Thought-provoking and enlightening at the same time. Thank you for reminding me of the benefits I will reap when I spend time sitting at His feet.
This is a very inspirational post. May other people be enlightened by your words. :-)
Oh, my! Thank you so much, Irene, for your sweet comment. You bless me. Thank you for visiting. Blessings to you!