Thursday, August 4

In the chill of the evening, they stroll to the Mount of Olives.
Along the way, Jesus talks to the disciples, preparing them for the coming ordeal, and says, “All of you will be made to stumble because of Me this night.” (Matt. 26:31a NKJV)
Peter stops dead in his tracks, turns to Jesus and declares, “Even if all are made to stumble because of You, I will never be made to stumble.” (Matt. 26:33 NKJV)
“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to have you, to sift you like wheat, but I have pleaded in prayer for you that your faith should not completely fail. So when you have repented and turned to Me again, strengthen and build up the faith of your brothers.” (Luke 22:31-32 TLB)
Laying His hand firmly on Peter’s shoulder, Jesus continues, “I tell you the truth, Peter—this very night, before the rooster crows, you will deny three times that you even know Me.” (Matt. 26:34 NLT)
Peter, grasping Jesus’ hand and falling at His feet, cries out to Him, “Even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You!” (Matt. 26:35 NKJV)
As Peter follows so closely that Jesus can detect Peter’s breath, they all leave this scene and enter the garden of Gethsemane, where the events of the evening play out. The soldiers arrive and arrest Jesus. As they lead Him away, Peter follows.
On their way to appear before Caiaphas, the soldiers stop before the assembled chief priests and scribes in the high priest’s courtyard. Peter slips over to join the servants warming themselves by the fire in the courtyard.
Three accusations unfold, followed by three denials.
And then...
The words of his precious Lord echo through Peter’s mind and stab him in the heart: “Before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times.”
The saddest moment of Peter’s life is then exacerbated as the Lord turns and looks at him.
Oh, what a look that must have been. And “Peter went out and wept bitterly.” (Luke 22:62 NKJV)
How chilling that crow must have sounded; how grievously Peter’s heart must have pounded.
Was that the end of the crowing? Doesn’t a rooster crow each morning?
Wouldn’t that cock-a-doodle-doo pierce Peter’s ears and heart each dawn as the enemy’s condemnation, a reminder of his failure?
But wait! What was that noise three days later...on resurrection morn? Didn’t the cock crow that daybreak also? Did Peter’s heart change that day?
In the years that followed, did he continue to hear that daily crowing as the enemy’s memento of opposition to his heart’s desire to serve the Lord or as the Lord’s resurrection reveille to rise up out of despair and serve Him?
Does the enemy crow in your ear? What does he bellow at you? Condemnation of your past? How unworthy you are? What a stupid thing you did? You’re a failure? Why would anyone want to hear what you have to say? You’re a lost-cause at business? You’re a terrible spouse or parent?
Or do you hear that triumphant shout of resurrection morn? Telling you that you have victory over your past? That the Lord gives you strength for each task? That you are blessed beyond measure? That you are loved more than you can comprehend? That you are a delight to your heavenly Father’s heart? That you can do all things through Christ?
Does each dawn’s awakening cry encourage you, as “His mercies begin afresh each morning” (Lam. 3:23 NLT)?
Which crow are you listening to...the enemy’s attempts to crow in opposition to all that you do, or the Lord’s resurrection reveille to rise up out of despair and serve Him?

A good reminder,Lynn of why He died for us. We have a clean slate, every morning, just as you stated. I love the way you personalized Peter's viewpoint. I hadn't thought about how consequent cock crows might effect him. And his experience is very encouraging for the rest of us sinners. We are all forgiven, every morning, every day. Great post, Lynn.
Thank you, sweet Ceci, for such a wonderful comment. You are so sweet. Bless you!
I think we can all identify with Peter as we have all denied Christ in one way or another....The important questions is what do we do after the cock crows....repent or ignore........So thankful for new mercies in the morning.....
A great post.....
Very good make-you-think post, and good comments, too. I'd never thought to wonder what Peter thought each time the rooster crowed. Did he feel guilty for the time he denied Christ? Did he use each crowing to strengthen his resolve to never deny Christ again? and as Cecilia said, "all forgiven, every morning, every day." Thank you, Lynn
Thank you, Lynn. I needed this reminder today. I've been tempted to deny Jesus' power in my life and have been doing a lot of crowing (whining) myself; feeling inadequate to what He's calling me to do. Time to listen to the dove instead. Coo-coo.
Lynn, You got me at "Cock-a-doodle-doo." :-)
I used to entertain the evil one's lies: worthless, defect, loser. God showed me how to fight back with Scripture, like Jesus did in the desert when Satan tempted him.
Now the attacks may happen and I may falter but the Holy Spirit -- who indwells every believer -- reminds me of my riches in Christ and I have peace and quiet.
Love ya, Kentucky girl.
It's easier for me to accept failure's consequences in my own life. But how my failures affect others--that's a lot harder, and I have to trust He's got that covered, too.
Beautiful reflection!
I've had trouble pulling your site up. :( My internet has been whack, though, so it's probably me and not you.
I love the insight, encouragement and inspiration of your posts, Lynn! This one is much needed and appreciated.
Another great post Lynn! Don't we also act as confident as Peter did when it comes to our own allegiance to Christ? "I'll never do that Lord!", we say. "I'll always stand up for you, Lord!", we proclaim. But alas, we're just as frail as Peter in the flesh. But wait -we have Christ's Spirit within us and that makes all the difference!
I believe that when Peter heard that cock crow from that point on it reminded him of "new beginnings" and how Christ restored him by the lake after His resurrection.
Morning breaks and the sun peeks out - bringing with it new hope and a fresh start. I'm so thankful God gives us another chance to honor Him day after day...
Excellent post Lynn. His mercies are new every morning so every time I hear a cock crow I will hear it as a call to arms, a new chance to make a Right decision.
I am so totally excited that He gave us the Holy Spirit, to strengthen and encourage us to enable us to be like Peter was after the day of Pentecost - and he never denied Jesus again. It doesn't mean we don't fail; just that we remain faithful!
Awesome reminder Lynn!I can't be reminded of that ENOUGH!!
Thank you so much, Nancy. I appreciate your stopping by and commenting. Bless you!
So glad you liked it, Sherry! Haven't seen you in ages. Hope all is well! Thanks for the visit. Bless you!
Carol, be encouraged. You're on the right path and a blessing to others. Thanks for your comment! Bless you!
Amen, Flucy! So happy to see you! Thank you!
So true, Sandra! So true! Thanks for forging on and getting through. Sorry you're having problems. Thanks so much for commenting. Bless you!
Thank you so much, Connie, for your kind words. You make my heart happy. Bless you!
Deborah, your comment is wonderful. Thank you so much! Blessings to you!
Thanks so much, Dana, for stopping by. I'm so glad to see you. Bless you!
Maryleigh, you so bless me! Thank you so much for your kind words! Blessings to you!