Sunday, October 19

The Unkinkable Hose

Once in a great while, our Kentucky summers surprise us with a respite from the normal hot and humid yuckiness and treat us to a pleasant evening. Recently, my husband and I sat on our patio to enjoy one of these rare evenings outdoors.

Hubby decided to hook up his new, good 100 foot hose to the sprinkler for the backyard. As he did, he mentioned that he wished he had gotten it a long time ago. Why? Because it does not kink and allows a continuous flow of water.

I started thinking about the unkinkable hose. It reminded me of our relationship with the Lord. As He has blessed us lately with some very needed income, I wanted to be sure my husband was keeping up with the tithe since he writes all the checks.

After I asked him about it, I said, “I don’t want to put a kink in the hose!” After we giggled about it, the thought settled into my brain as I started to think about the comparison between the old hose, which always got kinks in it and even the little kinks cut off the flow of water, defeating its purpose, and the new hose, which will never get a kink in it and will always let the water flow properly, thereby fulfilling its purpose.

I wondered…What puts a kink in the purpose for my life? What stops the flow of Living Water? Is it selfishness? Is it pride? Is it murmuring and complaining? Is it other negative speech? Or is it something I’m overlooking or choose to ignore?

Do I have a blind spot when it comes to “little sins” as little kinks? Like nibbling on the forbidden fruit of a little cheating, a little white lie, a little stealing of pens or paper from the company or altering time cards, a little flirting at work, a little dirty joke, a little gossip, a little peeking at this or winking at that?

Whatever sins you allow in your life, they will put a kink in the flow of your relationship with the Lord, defeating the purpose of your life.

When you finally unkink your life, don’t you always wish you’d done it sooner?

~~Blessings, Lynn~~
10 Responses
  1. Thanks for sharing this delightful post! Oh yes, I recognize some kinks in my life, and wouldn't it be wonderful if we could be like the unkinkable hose! By the way, did I tell you my husband is from Kentucky, and we return to Louisville frequently.

  2. lynnmosher Says:

    Thanks so much, Connie! Yes, you did tell me. Wouldn't it be fun to meet somewhere on one of your trips here? Blessings...Lynn

  3. Great writing Lynn, and so true. Often we look for outside influences when the flow stops, but most of the time the problem is INSIDE the hose! Yeah, a little self disclosure every now and then won't hurt :) Thanks.

  4. lynnmosher Says:

    Thanks, my sweet friend! I so appreciate your taking time to read my posts. Blessings...

  5. monica Says:

    yup, I sure do! I don't want to be KINKY. ha ha ha


  6. lynnmosher Says:

    LOL! Thanks, Monica! That one slipped by me totally! Be blessed...

  7. Lorrie Says:

    I really enjoyed this post Lynn. It made me think about how easily the hose will tend to kink in the same place it's kinked before.. that area has become weakened. He is strong though!!!! Hallelujah!

  8. lynnmosher Says:

    Hey, Lorrie! Thanks so much for you comment. Boy, I wish I'd thought of that! Great thought! I sure didn't carry it out, did I? Be blessed...

  9. Laina Says:

    Hi Lynn,

    I really enjoy your stories.

    It would be good to pray every day and ask the Lord if we are stopping the spiritual flow in some way and if so do some unkinking. Great analogy!

  10. lynnmosher Says:

    Thanks, Laina. You make my heart so happy. Thank you for taking time to read what I write and I'm so glad you enjoy it. May the Lord bless you!